
Am i going to go to h**l?

by  |  earlier

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im a good muslim...i pray, read the quran regularly, except i dont wear hijjab and i wear short sleeve shirts..but compared to everybody else i dress pretty modestly. help!




  1. Not if you are Sunni

    Al Sunnis/real Muslims who believe in Tawheed are going to Janna

    f you are Shia'a then email your g*y Lord and ask him or you can talk to the 12th Dajjal, he is here in case you do not know

  2. depends on your religion

  3. Salaam. Well, only God knows. And it depends on your intention. Like I am wearing hijab when Im older cause if I did, there will be major problems in my family. Like inclding losing money and possibly going to court, which we cannot take a chance, and health problems. Its complicated. Anyways, in my opinion, I do not think you are. Wearing short sleeves is not bad lol! Wearing tank tops is, though. SO the short sleeve thing is fine. Anyways....hmmm I dont think you are but i mean if you would not have major problems if you wore the hijab then go for it ya know?

    Only Allah swt knows, though

  4. God UndersTanD Your situation... ;)

  5. Yes. And you shold be slayed you slaying kaffir!

  6. The best is-it-a-sin test I ever learned is this: does what I am doing damage my relationship with God?  

    If you feel dressing less traditionally keeps you from being close to God, then try wearing a hijjab and see if it helps.  If you feel close to God as it is, and you don't have a problem living your faith in short sleeves, then you're just fine.

    Hope this helped.

  7. Salam,

    we can neva predict where u ll go. onli ALLAH azwajjal knows it. but one thing Allah loves from a women is haya- modesty.  DONT FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Yes.

    All muslims go to h**l.

  9. No this sin can be forgiven inshaAllah .

  10. I am sure if your God thinks you are worthy you will join him/her in paradise... It's all up to them!

  11. NO you will not go to h**l for that!

    Remember, dont get too focused into all the rules and stuff, they will destroy you. Just believe in doing the right thing, not hurting others, believing in Allah, and common sense.  

  12. Spiderman is correct and I agree with him (wow) lol


    Your welcome ;) I agree at times you do give some great wisdom keep it up!

    LOOOOL ignore them!

  13. no, I dont think your not going to h**l. But that is up to Allah to decide

  14. even if you don't go to h**l you will be punished for not wearing hijab. You either accept Islam as a whole or deny it you can't take what you like and deny what you don't. Besides think about it do you think that it's fair for you to go out without hijab and go to heaven and for those who are wearing it not to be rewarded!!  

  15. Allahu one is to judge whether or not you will be entering Jannah

    but, begin thinking about the Hijaab....take your time...and remember it is to please Allah (swt)....and you should seriously consider wearing it......and Allah is all forgiving

  16. only God (or Allah in your case [;  ) can decide. Many muslims are strict,however, i see more and more young women dressing in modern clothing and doing modern things,and they are still good people.

    I personally say yes,but I am not Muslim.

    Regardless,live a good happy life :]

  17. idk

    ask god


  18. I don't know, it depends on ur religion and if you do it right or not!

  19. My dear daughter Richgirl salam for you As a good muslim woman you should obey to all of Allah's instructions and prohibitions as stated in the Qur'an and also explained by Muhammad bpuh in his Hadits.

    If you success to do those things you will do to heaven and do not enter h**l.Please learn and understand well the contents of Qur'an and Hadits because it should be parctised in your daily life.Qur'an and Hadits are the life guide for all muslims whereever they live.

    Wearing hijab is Allah's insruction as stated in the Qur'an please see surah 7 Al Araaf verse(ayat) 26,31,32,surah 24 An Nuur verse 30,31 and surah 33 Al Ahzab verse 59.You will be more beautiful if you wear hijab and the guys will not disturb you Insya Allah you be the inhabitant of heaven or paradise. Do not worry.

  20. h**l is reserved for those that believe in it

  21. Sallam,

    no one except Allah knows. and i know how hard it can be to wear the hijab, in a society where everyone is trying to fit in; but u should really try to do so. Because to wear the hijab is an order from Allah(swt) and He knows best. Don't compare yourself to others, be the strongest muslimah you can be. Remember this is a test.

    inshAllah everything will be ok for you.

  22. live ur life normally and let god decide were u belong

  23. Dear,

    Peace upon you.

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    Nobody in this world can ever say that.

    In Surah Al-Fathah said

    " In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to God,the Cherisher and Sustainer of the world. Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment.

    Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way. The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed thy Gray, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who not astry".

    You should be "on the Straight way". You have had Submitted your own self to Al-Mighty God Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala is the FAITH of which Prophet Muhammad is the Prophet of Al-Mighty God Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Of course you'll go to heaven Insya-Allah if you are "on the Straight way".

    Thank you.

    Wabillahhitaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

  24. Only God knows the anser to that.

    However, I wear short sleeved shirts too, and I pray. I can't read in Arabic, so as a result, I don't read the Quran. I dress more modestly than some other people too believe it or not. If you have done bad sins, than that is one thing. Some hijabis sin even more than non hijabis. I really think it depends on the person. I recomend you wear it while you pray though.

  25. but guess what s**t *** mother ******, SO AM I.

  26. No. you are not going to h**l!!

    but you need to be modest!!

  27. its must for women that every time she leave their house she has to be in hijab its farz in islam for women

    depend on you  wear any thing u want  inside hijab  

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