
Am i hanging out with the wrong crowd? parents will never approve at all?

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all of them smoke except me, talk about s*x but i am still a virgin, they are "emo" looking, parents hate...they never offer me a ciggeratte and "peer preasure". but i hang out with them because they're fun to be around (except when smoking). i joke about s*x but im not going to HAVE s*x anytime soon, they bust loud music and one time, we were at Brium's & they made a prank order. if my parents knew my friends do this and that they are the ones who drive me to places, she would send me to boarding school or kick me out of the house..FOR LIFE. i always lie to them that my friends do no do such thing and that her mom is driving me to just go to the mall or movies. but i really like them.. ): what do i do??




  1. listen this is the wrong crowd to hang with. its a red flag if ur parents don't like them! if they do that kinda stuff then hang out with people with ur parents would aprove of. u shouldnt lie to ur parents. if they find out u r going to be in hot water and then u definitly won't be allowed to hang out with them. just tell them that u guys are nothing alike and u want to hang out with some other people for awhile. they may or may not take it to heart. but they must live with ur decison.  

  2. my friends were like that.. I moved and they were the only ones that accepted me.. one night I spent the night at their house and they got drunk.. i didnt drink. and they PASSED OUT! it was HORRIBLE! well after they passed out I called my mom and explained everything. she didnt get mad at me.. but she yelled at my 'friends' and now i dont talk to them.. my decision. if I were you, I would ditch them before they got you in trouble.  

  3. Not to say that your paretns are right....and having to be in by 8 when your 16 sounds a little much.... but i am your age and I wound't be caught dead with these guys...hope it helps

  4. Ahhh the torments of being a teenager.  Your parents want the best for you and you are not agreeing to what that is.  It seems like yesterday that I was in your shoes and now I am in theirs!  You aren't going to listen to what I have to say because I am the "mom" now.  I wouldn't want my kids to hang out with your friends because every second that you do is another opportunity to do the things they do.  If you have "normal" friends that didn't smoke you wouldn't even think about it but with them it is there all of the time and you can decide to do it.  I can see your point to and as long as you are level headed and are not a follower than it probably isn't going to mame you for life:)  Just imagine yourself with this perfect little daughter and what you would want her doing at 16.  They only want to protect you and give you the best opportunity that they can, unfortunately it is torture but you will appreciate it one day!

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