
Am i harassing my guinea pig too much?

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i handle them quite a lot during the day but they are fine when they are out but really scared when i walk in the room so should i leave them alone for a bit they let me pick them up and stroke them alright!!!




  1. You aren't doing anything wrong.  It is a natural instinct that they are scared when you walk into the room.  This is because they are prey animals and are natuarally scared of things coming from above.  There is nothing you can do about this except approaching slowly; they probably aren't scared once they realise it is you.  

  2. Guinea Pigs can get startled easily. Opening the door and them seeing you walking in, something like 30 times their size, is frightening. Try putting the cage up on something so it's close to eye level. Good Luck

  3. im kind of having the same problem with mine  because she bites me when ever im not worried about it like a few minutes ago she bit me and it REALLY REALLY hurts so i think its because she is just nervous mainly because she is so young she is about 3-4 months old and already almost full grown so she will probably mellow out eventually and thats what you should do just keep on taking them out maybe not as much but enough so that they get used to you but in time they might stop acting so scared just make them feel safe with you and dont give them a reason to BE scared

  4. You Guinea Pig HARASSER!!!!!!!!!1

  5. Most likely they are just scared, because when you first have them they will act with that sort of temperament. The best thing to do about it is, don't handle them to much because they will get so used to you that they won't want to be held by no one else!

  6. No, you're fine. You definitely want to handle them often so they get more used to you. Just make sure once they get fidgety you put them back so they don't associate laptime with you with getting really annoyed. They get startled when you walk into the room, which is normal. Just try to be really quiet when you walk in and bring them a piece of carrot or something. Eventually they'll associate you walking in with getting a yummy snack and they'll come out to greet you!  

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