
Am i having a migraine?

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okay i am not sure if i am or not but i have this pretty painful headache. Both of my temples hurt and the back part of my head is throbbing kind of. i feel really lethargic and tired. and i've had this for a night and two days and its not going away and whenever i excersize i have to stop because it only get worse. idk what to do this is the first time i've ever had this and i dont think anyone in my family really suffers from migraines. and im about to get my period soon too i think. and i guess i havnt been eating too much.......i just counted i think i ate about 640 caloriies today so far its like 4:00 pm right now




  1. i think you are most likely to be suffering from a tension headache the most common of headaches, if it is a mild to moderate pain then it will not be a migraine as migraines are severe pains which could last a few days, you are usually very sensitive to light and sound, i suffer from aura symptom migraines and actually have one right now, it affects my vision, i get tingling in my mouth and hands, get very tired and get left with a very very sore head for couple days, best thing is rest in a darkened room and a couple of pain killers, don't do anything too stressful till the sore head is completely gone and is it may result in it taking longer to go away.

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