
Am i headed down the road to anorexia?? help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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So i startd this diet where i only eat about 700 calories a day. I also started working out ALOT! like alot alot. I learned that you have to burn more calories than you eat in order to loose weight. So now every time i eat i feel like i just put all my hours of working out to waste by eating a small meal. And right now even though i am practically starving, i cant bring myself to eat anything because i dont want to just gain back all those calories i have already burned today!! And now i am afraid i might just push myself harder and not eat anything and only work out alot!! I dont want to go anorexic but i cant help it!!




  1. You need more than 700 calories a day just to survive. About 1500-2000 a day. Just eat right and work out regularly, don't over due.  I was like that when I was in my teens.  Scared to gain a pound.  I didn't eat and when I did I needed to run it off ASAP.  I was sick all the time and very weak from not getting any nourishment.  Now  I am at a normal weight, not "stick thin" but in very good shape and I am a fitness instructor, I eat right and exercise regularly.  I hope I can help others realize that they don't need to go to extremes to lose weight, and that "thin" is not always "in".  A healthy lifestyle is what you should strive for.  And don't be scared to have a piece of cake every now and then.

  2. Anorexics usually eat very little, to nothing at all. To an anorexic, 700 calories is A LOT. Of course, there are many different forms of this eating disorder. You can be in the early stages of anorexia. It usually starts out as a diet and quickly becomes a lifestyle. Saying you want to lose that extra weight, turns into losing TOO much weight.

    Usually anorexics constantly worry about their weight, weigh themselves many times a day, eat almost nothing daily, exercise constantly and usually their attitude as a whole on life changes. Anorexia is a hard eating disorder and the life of an anorexic is a sad; sometimes lonely one.

    If you feel you are becomming anorexic, you most likely are. Please talk to someone close or perhaps a counseler to stop this disorder from progressing. Knowledge is power so learn about this disorder through books and the internet.

    Remember, anorexia takes the lives of many, many people and you need to stop this now.

    Good luck.

  3. Anorexia ? People dont want anyone to know they have it , your not one of them.

  4. yes you should eat 2400 calories a day in order to give ur body the correct nutrients and be healthy

  5. You sound like you are on the road to it! If you haven't already, tell your parents about how worried you are about this, and how you count calories and things like that. They can find someone to get you on a healthy, filling diet! Please don't become anorexic, you sound like a very nice girl, and it would be horrible, if you ended up being anorexic! After you turn the corner of the road, it is very hard to make U-turn (like my analogy there! : ) )... So just be very careful... Good Luck!!!!

  6. Honestly, it all starts out with dieting and exercise. I do believe you are on the road the anorexia and DONT go that path! It is so hard to gain back weight and you literally get so afraid that you will gain back calories that you are afraid to eat "junk food".

    My best friend started out this exact way and now she has spent the last 4 months trying to gain back weight and has basically lost all of her friends.

    Talk to a nutritionist and help organize a healthy meal, 700 calories is way too little. I have been in the exact same position as you, I started with 800 calories per day and went down to as low as 400 calories per day. I didn't do formal exercise accept I jogged maybe a mile a day but I play field hockey, tennis, squash, lacrosse, skiing, sailing, and fencing so I am pretty active. Plus I swim and play basketball and sometimes touch football (with the neighbors) in my free time. Then I started making myself throw up before every time I went out in a bikini so my stomach was flat and I stopped having salt so I wouldn't bloat. I wasn't even fat to begin with.

    Thank God I started eating a proper diet before I lost any dramatic weight. If you want to lose weight a healthy way, still get 1,800 calories but eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolism running. Drink a lot of water but don't restrict yourself from sodas. Get at least 2 hours of informal exercise a day (no need for a treadmill, just bike or walk outside or swim). I am no nutritionist but that is the best way to drop weight healthily and stay slim.

    Good Luck, God Bless


  7. Talk to your doctor about a healthy diet plan. If you eat too few calories then your body will store the fat because it thinks that you are starving yourself.

  8. no

    anorexia is a disease of the mind, and NO anorexic I know would EVER freely talk about their diet as you just did.

    I would say you're heading down the road to craving attention.

    and honestly, you need to do some research.  starving does not burn fat ..... you will LOSE your muscle.  and what does muscle do ladies and gentlemen?  burn fat.

  9. Actually you don't have Anorexia.

    Anorexic's can't talk about it.

    I was heading down the anorexic path...

    I wasn't eating, loosing my hair and my BMI.

    BTW, You can actually gain weight if you don't eat.

    Your body will store whatever fat your body has and make you gain weight...

    You have to have calories..

  10. I think you know the answer to your question already. You shouldn't push yourself so hard to lose weight. If you are hungry eat. The calories that you have to worry about are the fat calories. Those are the bad ones. So eat some fruit or a healthy snack, something with little calories from fat. Don't stop yourself from eating  because you are worried about gaining weight.  Just eat something healthy.  Because if you develop an eating disorder you are going to have a lot more to worry about. Good luck and remember to stay healthy.

  11. i'm sure when you read that you have to burn more than you consume to lose you freaked out.

    keep in mind that you have something called a BMR, which is the amount of calories your body needs to run- you burn these even if you do nothing but sleep all day (mine is like 1000cals a day)

    go and calculate what your BMR is, and THEN look at how much you consume vs how much you work out.

  12. Just think working out isn't always about burning calories it speeds up your metabolism so you wont have to worry about eating the hard work away.  Also guys hate skinny skinny girls... espesialy ones with no b***s!  WHen you stop eating and losing weight it come out of your b***s first!  And you dont want to be flat!  I went through that fase to!  But i try and eat healthy and exersize and i think im pretty skinny look 4 yourself ->;...

    also good luck :]]]]] try and get though it!

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