
Am i ineternally bleeding oor is it just my period?:(im 13?

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so i started my period in january of this year and im 13 and my periods are ussually light but then this month i had a medium period and then 13 days later(in the same month) and now its really heavey (or just to me cause i have never had a heavy period)and im really scared because i spotted 2 days after the other one ended and i need to no if this is normall and my friend said that im internally bleeding could this be?

p.s im a virgen:)

thanks for the help;




  1. First of all, stay a virgin! :)  It's a precious gift that you shouldn't give away lightlly and I hope you save yours for a very long time until you are hopefully married or at least have been in a good solid relationship for a long time :).

    About your period--this same thing happened to me.  I'm 32 now, but when I was 12 I started having ny period and the 2nd month in, I bled for 25 days straight.  I was bleeding very heavily, too.  I went to see my doctor and she said that it was completely normal...everyone's bodies are different, and sometimes when women start their period, they can have irregular ones--sometimes for a very long time until you get into a routine.

    I STILL have irregular periods sometimes and again, I'm 32. So don't worry, it's completely normal.  I'm sorry, but your friend is wrong--you are NOT bleeding internally, your body just hasn't adjusted to the 'change of life' yet.  It may take a long time for it to adjust, so just see your doctor every year for a physical and she may want to do a pap smear to see that things are ok.

    Irregularities can also be caused by and be made worse by stress,, so just try to relax and know that what you are experiencing happens to a lot of women.  You are normal and have nothing to worry about.

    Good luck to you and I hope everything works out well for you!!


  2. i dont know about the length, but its probably ur period, and believe it or not, 8 year old kids can start their period!!

    its just strange

  3. Sounds like your period sweetie as in the beginning they can be really irregular.  Talk to your mum...and maybe your friend should too..internally bleeding my goodness that is not very good advice.

  4. if your only 13 then it is normal your periods are very very irregular the first year because your body is just starting to go through puberty and its trying to get into the groove. Don't stress about it. if your still worried then you should talk to your mom or your doctor. But don't worry its normal. I am 19 and I still am regulating. It takes awhile. :)  Good luck.

  5. its just your period  when i was 14 my period was like ever 20 days  so my mom took  me 2 the dr  every thing was fine  just my body changing .. i am pretty sure your ok if it continues more the a week then you need to talk to your mom  bc there most  be s/t else going on  but  try not to worry 2 much  bc that will mess up ur period  again .. good luck

    ps i am happy to here u are still a  virgin  

  6. Good to go with the virginity thing. :) Keep it that way until you're truely ready. :) Anyhow, I think it's jsut your body's way of changing and getting adjusted to your periods, is all. I think you're alright. :) I'm 21, and I've been having my period sinse I was 12, and I've had a lot of things relating to my period, that I thoguht wasn't normal, but trust me, it is. Hope I helped. Take Care.  

  7. You're friend may be correct because you're only supposed to have a period once a month.

  8. well ithink most likely its your period.

    igot my period when iwas 11.

    iwas scared.

    but some pplz iknow get their period twice a month.

    ithink that if you were internally bleeding it would  unbareable to deal with.

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