
Am i just paranoid? Or is this a real disorder? [ i know it's long, but please read ]?

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A few years ago I was sleeping over at a friend's house. We were drinking & playing cards. I hang out with a high strung group of people, but none of them truly dangerous. Anyway, my friend & her boyfriend got into an argument & he turned violent & my friend asked him to leave. After a few minutes he finally left & started going around the apartment complex banging on doors and running. We called the cops & the cops said they came out & didn't see anyone. We finally fell asleep & we thought he finally just went to his mom's house. Around 2:00am I open my eyes to see the window being opened from the outside. It was her boyfriend. He climbed into the window then opened the front door & one of his friends came in. The first thing they did was break the telephone. They held me & my friend & her 2 year old daughter in the house for an hour throwing any and everything around the house, sofas, tables, knives. I was crying & begging them to let us go. Finally they left. We contacted police & they were later arrested.

Ever since then, I'm afraid to be alone, no matter where it is. I can't even go into a store without someone I know. I constantly feel like someone is watching me. I'm 21 years old & I still live with my parents. It's time for me to move out on my own, but I'm way too scared.

Someone told me something about post traumatic stress syndrome. Is there anything that can be done for that?

Thanks for reading. I know it's long.




  1. unless the two previous answers came from a professional therapist then don't believe either. and by ready both of them they obviously have no clue what they are talking about. My suggestion is go to a professional and talk over this issue. it may be a form of ptss but this is something that can be overcome but I would seek a professionals help. I hope this helps. keep your head up.  

  2. I don't know what disorder you would call this behavior but from reading it I don't think you are paranoid although I can see how you think it might be paranoia because that is what I thought at first too. But when I read more of it I realized maybe it could be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or something else or maybe nothing but not paranoia. I mean because paranoia is unjustified suspicions of people, and you definitely did not mention that prior to your terrible experience that has left you damaged so maybe what you need is some therapy to help your straighten out your issues but if you are that concerned about your psyche then do talk to a psychiatrist. May you seek the help you need ot get over this awful experience, and go on with your life in peace.

  3. I am not a specialist but i can see where you come from. All i can say is this, if you are going to die, you will die so dont push it. Do not attract negative things towards you. Think positive. Believe me it works all the time for me.

    If you are afraid to be by yourself, my suggestion is to go out at night, overcome your fear, you can do it.

  4. you did it to yourself by hanging out with people like that, you said they were high strung, and you contradicted yourself by saying they are not dangerous then tell that story of what they did. Well, it was the boyfriend, I'll give you credit for that. But you read the signs, don't wait till something drastic happens, and wonder why. When you drink or do any chemical substance, it impairs your judgement, and alcohol brings out violence in some people. I know drinking is not illegal and you are of age, but isn't it a strange coincidence that I don't drink and nothing like this has ever happened to me. I can hear other boozed up neighbors acting like fools but nothing ever happens to me? You can call me judgemental if you want, but if you play with fire you eventually get burned.  

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