
Am i looking to much into this?

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Ok i have a 7 yr old niece who is into her looks WAY too much. Shes always in the mirror and telling people including adults ''your shirt doesn't really match'' or '' you need to brush your hair. I don't let my daughter(who's the same age) really be around her that much anymore because now my daughter is copy the same behavior. Im really trying to break her from this.I wasn't a mean prissy queen bee type of girl. And i hope to raise my daughter the same way. Whats the wrong in that? Its like its ok for her to want to take care of herself but not the point where she is putting other people down and making it everything. I mean your 7 go outside and run around be a kid for god sakes. But yes am i looking into this too much?




  1. She's only 7.  There are plenty of people who will soon take her down a peg or two.  I'd just give it time, and let the kids play together.  Your child may be the one to turn the niece around.

  2. It is her age she will out grow it.

  3. I don't blame you she 7 for good sakes and her mom needs to tell her to stop putting other people down!

  4. I think you should just stress to your daughter that while is it good to take care of yourself it is wrong to tell other people how to dress or that they need to comb their hair.  That is just very rude and she needs to know that sooner rather than later.  I would also stress that the way people look, including herself, is not the most important thing about a person.  Hopefully this is just a short lived stage as a result from hanging around her cousin.

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