
Am i making him feel less than a man?

by  |  earlier

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My mechanic does things for me for free. One time i needed a sealant for my rack and steering but i only had a debit- he only takes cash. He told me if i went to go get the sealant he won't charge me to put it in...I think he's interested in me too because hes real open/kinda vulnerable with me. Anyway at my job we get donated items that are written off as tax write offs by stores. Would i seem like I couldn't accept his gratuities if i gave him stuff as well as a token of my apprechiation?




  1. showing graditude with a gift is nice but sometimes can be read to harshly !!!

    Just send a thank you card and be fine!

  2. Whatever is convenient to you then so be it. That's the way to treasure a new found friend and mechanic in one.

  3. Man, your question is just screaming for me to make a joke out of it but I'll restrain myself.  I'd steer clear of giving him stuff that was donated though.  Just say thanks and give him a nice smile.  I'm sure that's all the payment he wants.

  4. i don't think so.  i flirted with my mechanic too (before I married him) and got all kinds of free services.  before him, i used to bring them fried chicken and beer or whatever food/drink they liked - and i'd get my work done for free.  hey - sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

  5. He only deals in cash because he is a tax cheat.  I wouldn't have anything to do with him.

  6. If he rubs your back you should probably rub his, however a gift may make him read to much into the situation and see something that isnt there, however if something does exist on your end then go for it!

  7. Hey, one hand rubs the other....

    Go ahead and give him from freebies, who doesn't like getting something for free? Maybe he is a little on the shy side, so if the interest is mutual, go ahead and get a little flirty and/or ask him out.

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