
Am i making to big of a deal out of it.. or should i be hurt?

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My boyfriend and I are 500 miles away, our one year is on Thursday, and he does not have enough money to get down here to spend it together.. but he is coming on Saturday, i start school on that monday.. I'm a little upset bye it and ticked off.. should i just be happy he is coming down still but just not on our one year, or is completely fine for me to be hurt and upset..? I don't want him to think i am not appreciative of him, cause i am. I know he is trying his hardest to come and see me.. what do you think?




  1. you shouldn't be mad. appreciate the fact hes coming at all. at least you'll get to see him at some point. but its okay to be sad i guess. i would be.

  2. be happy he comin...bcuz u jut mentioned his financial issue and he still makina  effort to come....just relax and savor the moment....but i do remind u long distance  relationship are hard....speakin from experience

  3.        If he is coming that is all that should matter.   I would be sad like you if he wasnt coming on the exact day but at least he is coming and that shows that he cares :)    hope this helps

  4. You should be happy he is coming.  

  5. Be happy he is coming at all! I'm in a long distance relationship of about 400 miles and it sucks! I can understand being upset that he will not be there on the exact day, but at least he is coming! Make the most of it instead of being sad that he isn't there on the exact day

  6. You should be happy hes coming still even though its not on your day. You shouldn't make 2 big of a deal about it. If it was ur bday then yeah kick and scream all you want =)

    You never know maybe he wants to surprise you and will come on that day, just look super cute either way but dont get your hopes up. good luck.

  7. If he understands and is trying to show up cut him some slack.

  8. id just be happy hes at least coming down before school starts but he should definately do something more special since he wasnt there the day of....because if he had the money you know hed come down

  9. Well, I think it's great he's coming anyway, it might be hard for him to come mid-week.  It doesn't have to be on exactly your one need, just be glad he is making the effort to come and see you.

  10. This is one of the reason why girls sometimes loose their man, you know he is trying very hard to see you, so why are you upset, look just call him on that day and please don't say anything to upset him, he is coming on Saturday think about fun stuff to do when he is there and make it a day you two will never forget!!!!!!!

  11. Don't be ticked off with him. Don't you think he would be there for your one year if he could? Of course he would. At least he's coming down to see you. That should mean something. Enjoy your relationship together, and make the most of when you see each other. Don't get ticked off with him for something he has not done wrong.

  12. I would not be mad. If he can not come, he cant come. Its just a day, yes its a special day. If you are going to be together forever, he will have plenty of time to make it up to you. Do not sweat the small things in life you got each other that's what truly matter. Just wait until you get married you will have bigger problems to over come.

  13. Chill out. At least he is coming out to visit you. Just have fun while he is there.  

  14. I think you're being ridiculous. Just my opinion. If he weren't coming at all any time soon, I'd say you could be upset, especially if you already planned on it. But he is coming. Just that you're spending time together is the key point, not when. It's just like your wedding day doesn't matter- It's your MARRIAGE- the rest of your life together, that matters. Not the one day of your wedding. Be happy you get to see him at all.

  15. If he's spending all his money to come and see you, even though he can't right away...he's doing every little thing his heart can. It doesn't mean a darn thing. Especially since he's coming so soon afterward, not like a month or whatever. He's really trying. And you should love him more for that. ♥

  16. It's completely understandable that you're upset because your anniversary and the relationship are obviously very important to you.

    However, try not to complain to your guy. He may not understand why you're upset, and that will hurt your relationship for all the wrong reasons. Enjoy the time you spend together, no matter how little it is!

    Oh, and here's a quote that might be comforting:

    "Contrary to what the cynics say, distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It’s for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It’s for those who know a good thing when they see it, even if they don’t see it nearly enough."

    Best wishes & good luck :]

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