
Am i missing anything????

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I am going to get a horse and I wanted to know if I am missing anything besides a blanket for in the winter?

-11pc. Grooming Kit $38.50

-Horse boots $24.99

-Rope Halter $8.89

-Mane n Tail Shampo $5.49 032

-Saddle Pad $80.99

-Saddle $299



-Bridle, Reins, Breast Collar $64.99




  1. is he/she coming with their own bit? because your missing one here if not.

    also get fly spray. get a gentle one until you know what kinds work well on the horses coat and dont irritate the skin.

    get a first aid kit for your horse as well. ointment, bandages, equine medical tape, thermometer, etc. the works. you can never be too prepared for an injury in horses. always keep one in the barn and if you go to show always have an extra one in the trailer or car with you.

    you need to have buckets for feed and water an extra bucket for soapy water when grooming etc. trust me. it's just useful for all kinds of things.

    you need a good cinch. there are string ones, leather ones, neoprene ones, etc. tell me what kind you want and i can recomend a few that have worked for me and dont break the bank.

    what stall and barn stuff do you have? are you baording the horse?

    think about bedding, pitch forks, shovels, wheel barrows, etc.

    check to see if the horse needs an vitamins, what kind of feed he/she's getting etc. changing the diet too much too fast is bad news.

    does the horse use hoof oil or any other things for his/her hooves?

    i might sound a little harsh but im a stickler for tack i've tried lots of things and i find that the tack is second in importance only to the horse itself and of equal importance to where the horse is kept. bad tack is a great, sure-fire way to s***w up a horse.

    unfortunately i dont agree with your choices in tack.

    the grooming kit is fine i suppose but your buying a lot of stuff you dont need there.

    the basic needs for a horses grooming kit are this in my experience:

    >a hoof pick AND brush. you shouldn't use the pick on the frog of the horses hoof, not ever. you want to use your fingers to get the muck on his frog off? no? then get a brush combo for it or a washcloth works great too.

    >a large hard bristled brush.

    >a large mild bristled to soft bristled brush for finishing off the coat and for dust.

    >and a smaller compact gentle brush for the horses face, behind the ears, etc.

    >a mane and tail comb.

    >a mane and tail brush, no bristles and make sure it's very sturdy.

    >a rubber curry comb

    >a plastic wash comb

    >a sweat scraper

    >towels, hand towels and/or washcloths.

    >trimming and thinning scissors for the horses mane and tail. LEARN how to use them. dont just wing it lol. the results are not good.

    that pretty much covers what you need for good grooming. at least as a starter. you may find later you need or want things like tail bags or for showing small rubber bands for the main.

    i dont like the splint boots. they wont protect the way you need if your horse clips his front leg with his hind leg. if he does it he'll still do damage. trust me. if you want to cover all your bases in leg protection. get very strong splint boots, a set of front and back polo wraps, light weight brushing boots, and thick rough tough skid boots. this covers everything for me. with those i can protect a horses legs in any discipline.

    reconsider the rope halter. i always use two for a horse. a break away or leather halter is a must for in the stable. for training and lunging and leading around etc. you can use a rope halter.

    get a lead rope and a lunge line instead of the lead that comes with that rope halter. any kind is fine really for those.

    as far as the breast collar, bridle, reins set i dont like it. the bridle looks too stiff. and from the looks of the breast collar the stitching is not great. it may come apart easily.

    what specifics are you looking for in the bridle, the breast collar, and the riens? leather bridle, nylon bridle, obviously you want a western one but what else are you sure you want in one? i'll track down some of the better ones for you i know lots of companies. do you want split reins or roping style (joined) reins or what? again i can recomend a brand for you. for the breast collar i recomend this one: much more comfy and i've use one myself they dont come apart easy.

    same for the saddle. what are you looking for, what material do you want (leather or synthetic) and what are you gonig to use it for? barrel racing, trails, pleasure, etc?


    for the hackamore if your just using it for training not showing then i would recommend getting one of these:

    the one on the end is a godsend. i use it as a halter and a bit-less bridle and i love it. and so do horses. less bulky, better contact, less likely to fall apart. she ahnd makes them i i love them. and they aren't pricey. i own several.

    the rest of what you have there in the edit will work great.

    yet again edit.

    i got your message. i prefer leather as well.

    for the saddle i would look at these companies for a barrel saddle if your willing to pay higher prices:

    they are pricey but the fleece and make is amazing and horses move better in them.

    ortho-flex has fantastic fitting saddles as well tho again pricey:

    then there are saddles like these at chicksaddlery:

    and of course ones that are good from

    hope al that helped lol

  2. The horse you get will probably come with a saddle briddle and maybe a wil have to chek with the person selling it to you...and you will probably have to have the saddle fitted if he doesnt come with one...also what a bout feed bucket..water buckets..hay nets..feed..headcollar..bedding????

    You need to have a good think about what you need!!!!!!!!  

  3. wow going over bored a bit.

    if your going to buy a saddle buy a good saddle billy cook saddles are good....... Um. fly mask I dont suggest using one. just put some fly spray on your hand and rub it over there face and ears. and nose. fly sheet also dont suggest. just spray with bug spray.

    Flies get under fly masks and blankets and when they do, they get stuck cause horses to go blind (I have a gelding that this happened too before I got him) its a horrible thing

    dont mean to sound rude... witht he whole saddle thing but the more expensive soemthing like a saddle is the better it will be trust me

  4. You might also want to get a nylon or leather halter for trailering and so on.

    Get together a phone book of people that you can call if you need help. Also, get the numbers of your vet, farrier, local feed store, tack shop, etc...

  5. Make sure you have a farrier and vet lined up. You don't want that to be a last minute thing. Food/grain. Does the horse need any other supplements?

  6. Looks like you got pretty much everything. i would just reconsider the rope halter. I know they are popular but please consider a breakaway or solid leather halter. I have seen SO many horses flip out while being tied or somehow getting their head stuck and sending a leather halter flying in 2 or more pieces. I can only imagin what would have happened of the halter hadnt exploded. I hate nylon halter for that reason.

    A break away halter could save your horses life.

  7. Congrats I am getting my horse tomarrow!! its my first. hate to tell you but your missing quite a bit!

    Since you do western you will need a synch! Also a bit and leadrope and fly spray and swat and corona and fly sheet and fly mask and betadine and linement, and ya...a lot more. But congrats!!


  8. I'd say your doing good with your grooming supplies, but I wouldn't was money on boots unless you know your going to be doing a sport where it needs them and the horse is cut out for that sport. Don't get a rope halter. It can make the horse uncomfortable and rub the hair. Get a nylon halter. It spreads the pressure over a 1.5" or so band of nylon and is easy to clean. You'll also need a lead rope as well as a lunge rope and whip if you can't borrow them. You can get "Orvus" paste shampoo from and it'll save you money in the long run. You just put a 50 sized piece in a 5 gal. bucket and fill it up with the hose. You get a hundred or more washings instead of 5. Your going the right way with a synthetic saddle, easy to clean and durable. If you wan't to barrel race like it appears then you may want one with a deeper seat so you can control the horse easier. It looks like you've found a good pad, but you can also use a neopreme waffle pattern saddle pad. The waffling is holes that allow air between the saddle and the horses back.Your missing a bit. It doesn't look like it comes with your head stall. You might want a snaffle bit with shanks or a curb bit. You could get a cotton or neopreme girth. You don't need a hackamore if your getting a bridle and you don't need any of those fly things except the spray. There is a reason they have manes and tails. These are just extra work. I would recommend bronco fly spray and make sure you give them a liberal coating. A light spray doesn't work very well. This is true for any fly spray. You are good with the first aid kit, but only treat minor problems. Call a vet for anything larger than a scrape or small cut or galling. I recommend absorbine hooflex paste for their feet. It's pretty cheap at jeffers. It smells like ***, but it works well. You apply a thin coating once a week. is a cheap palce to get things with a wide selection, but ups tries to rip you off with some of their shipping prices. Good luck.

  9. Well, a lot of the time, the horse you purchase comes with at least some of his gear. The horse may also have special requirements too such as bell boots when ridden etc.

  10. Yea, you are missing some little things like a first aid kit, hoof oil, bathing supplies besides shampoo, and a girth or cinch. If you are going to board your horse at a stable you will not need a pitch fork, bedding, a shovel, a water bucket, and feed tube. If you are not going to board your horse at a stable you will need these extra things to take care of your horse.  

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