
Am i not eating enough?

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hey. i have just started running 3 miles and i lift for 45 min every other day. i was wondering if not eating enough food could hold me back from building muscle? i burn more calories then i take in which i think is good but not sure if it makes any difference considering i do not take in that many calories???




  1. running doesn't build muscle, squats and leg presses build muscle. running will build ur cardio-vascular system, which is good, but u won't become buillt from it

  2. burning more than you take in is just going to make you lose weight, which is obviously contradictory to gaining muscle. you need to eat more than you burn.....and lots of protein.

  3. How are you?,

    Wow, I had exactly the same doubt, and I didn't know who to rely on. I stumbled upon this blog:, and I suggest you do the same.

    My desire of having a fine-looking legs came true. Of course with some effort on my part. But less than you can recall.


  4. Check your BMI by yahoo-ing am i fat. If it says you are under 30 BMI, EAT MORE. Unless you wanna lose, don't eat less than you burn.

    And yes, it can get in the way of muscle building. To help gain muscle, eat lots of protein and drink milk.

    You ARE NOT eating enough. If you exercise that much, you are probly in shape and thin.

  5. If you want to gain muscle, do anaerobic activity.  The most popular example is weight training.  

    Aerobic activity - i.e. running - will make you lose weight and tone muscle, but it won't build more of it.

    Oh, and you always want to burn more than you put in - otherwise, you'll get fat.  It's HOW you burn it (via anaerobic activity vs. aerobic activity) that determines whether you build muscle or not.

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