
Am i ok????????????????????

by  |  earlier

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i have cramps breaking out off and on my v****a hurts and I'm Moody




  1. yea ur totally fine, dont worry ur just gettin ur period  

  2.   If you haven't had yer period yet then its comin.... yep yer normal!

  3. You might have a period coming up.  

  4. normal, normal, and normal! puberty...! :)

  5. I would have to agree with the others that you are getting your period. If you are still experiencing these pains in a few days, but nothing has happened, please visit your doctor. It could be nothing, but there is always the possibility off ovarian cysts, or something else along that line.  

  6. I would say your on the rag. And ok.

  7. u'r gud girl........if it persists for longer...go see the doctor lady...

  8. your period is coming. It's completely normal.

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