
Am i over-reacting???

by  |  earlier

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So, my boyfriend & I have been together for a year. Since day 1 its kind of been like he seems like he is always hiding things. Its always just little things..but none the less i've caught him in lies before.

for example- He needed to call someone (for the both of us), i asked him about it, he had this huge huge long story about how they were going to be calling him back (i had a strong feeling it was BS..but i allowed him to think i believed him) come to find out it was total BS..another example is i asked him if i could go under his account online ( i needed something from his) so i look about 5 min. after i asked him & it said he was on. I asked why he was on & if he was making sure there wasnt anything on there he didn't want me to see..he told me it was his sister & got a TOTAL attitude about it. So, later on i saw his text to his sister telling her that if i asked to tell me she was under his account....and just one more example..I was looking through my previous visited sites online..found one i didn't recognize, & go figure it was a site w/p**n, jokes, & just gossip on it. As i kept looking everything that was downloaded was p**n (& when i was at work) .. he swore up and down it just automatically downloaded the video as he was scrolling through looking for other stuff. (Crazy that the only things 'downloaded' were the p**n videos though)

Anyway.. am i over aggagerating or do i have a right to feel like i can't trust him? Its been bugging me for months. I'd rather not give up something because im over reacting.

Opinions please. Thanks




  1. Watch his every move from now on.  His behavior seems very suspicious!

  2. no. get a new one

  3. I don't trust him.

    He seems shady.

    You should find a relationship that is open and where you don't have to question whether you should trust him or not.

  4. better keep an eye on him...

    or better yet, break up w/ him!

  5. you are not over-reacting because if he would juss be honest about what he is doing you would be asking him about everything he is doing.... and if he is lying about little things u never know what else he is hiding from you

  6. A relationship is built on trust, if you are having these trust issues try sitting him down and talking to him. If he loves you and wants to make your relationship work he will be willing to be more open and honest with you and if he has nothing to hide it shouldn't be a problem. On the other hand if he is keeping things from you it could be a warning sign that somethings up. I agree with the other persons answer keep you eyes open.

  7. I've had issues with my bf in the past. Like him being on the phone he would blame it on his brother. I confronted him about it and he assured me that he wasn't on the phone. The times he was on the phone he would tell me. I found my self all worried about this for nothing. He changed his number and now when I call nobody is on the phone. Which is good cuz it's neither him or his bro. If what happen is bothering you you should talk to him about it. I tried to keep quite on a few other things and I couldn't do it. I blew up at him once. So now I think you really need to talk to him cuz if not you are going to have everything bottled inside and it's not a good feeling.

    Out of everything that has happend. I've learned to leave EVERYTHING up to GOD. Every since then I have the "If it's meant to be it will happen" Attitude. As in I see it as i do love my bf but if he's cheating it will come out sooner or later and it will be over.

    Also, if you go looking for lies you will put in your head that they are lies. So stop snooping.. It just causes more stress.

  8. erm...

    well... to me... when i have a boyfriend, he must make me feel secured, and i must able to trust him. If i have this weird, you are doing something behind my back feeling, i will question him, after all, communication is the key here... hmm... you may want to ask his ex girlfriends how were their relationships. in a relationship, the most important thing is trust, let him know you don't feel safe around him, maybe there is another explanation for it. don't bottle up your feelings, tell someone about it.

    and if you feel like he is cheating on you, you may consult these site. :D


  9. ey mate. obviously somethings up but guys are rather sensitive about these issues. They like having secrets and love anything that naked. I say have a chat with the sis, if you can, u no search her mouth and see how much she knows. SERIOUSLY...

  10. your not overreacting! what do you value in a relationship? is it honesty,trust and loyalty like most people value in one? well hes being none of those things.hes being secretive and say you were to marry him in the future, would you want a husband that hid things, especially small things from you? im not saying you should end it with him but the real question you should ask yourself is if you can see yourself spending your life with him although he has a bit of a lying problem.good luck sweetie!
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