
Am i over reacting ?

by Guest60544  |  earlier

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well my bf was living with this girl because he had no where else to go nd well we aren't allowed to date do to age difference! and well he decide to leave her and well he did and i feel bad but he says he loves me and he didn't want to be with her i just confused because i love him with all my heart and i don't want to loose him but i feel like he is going to move on from me ami just over reacting? i am just sacred because everyone i loved or has been in my life hs walked out On Me or abandoned me or never really cared including my parents! should i just relax and go with the flow and not worry like he ells me too?




  1. Do you want the truth or do you want to hear what you want to hear?  You are too young to be worrying about some guy.  Concentrate on school.  Go to college, and then look for a guy.  You deserve the best that life can give.  That guy is too old for you (if it is the 25 yo that you asked about in another question).  A normal 25 yo would have a stable job, their own place to live, or be working on getting an education.  Furthermore if he was doing these things he would not be interested in a 16 yo.  Please do what is really best for your life.

  2. I always go with the flow but expect the worse, so if anything bad happens its not so much of a shock.

    I found by living like this i have become much more stress free even when bad things happen around me.  

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