
Am i over wieghttt???!!!! will i look good?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i am 14 and i am five foot five and wieght 126-128 pounds and

do you think if i do field hockey this fall which i am i will loose weight and look skinnier and in the spring i am doing the tennis team soo will i look really good in a bikini next summer if i do those sports and workout at the gym 2 times a week? and do 80 crunches a day

and eat healthy




  1. Well you are actually at a very normal weight, but eating healthy and being in those sports should tone up your body and help you lose some pounds.  But make sure you are getting the right number of calories in your diet so you aren't too much muscle, because you'll need the muscle and the strength to participate well in your choice of sports.


  2. i am fourteen and i am five six.. i weigh 114 lbs... i play soccer all year round ski race and swim (recreational) .. play paddle and run to stay in shape... i don't think ur overweight.  

  3. You will def tone up and look more longer and leaner, but you seem at a very healthy weight as you are. I am 125, but I am older than you.I am also an inch shorter than you but I have been working out alot and have been seeing results :) Best of luck to you!


  4. Healthy lifestyle and weight control is the most modern behavior. Please discover more in

  5. you are not overweight just eat healthy and workout you will be fine

  6. hello! one  it will make you skinner but uh don't you think that you might want to go to the gym more then 2 a week i go every day of the week

    and trust me honey i look terrific in a bikkini  

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