
Am i overreacting (please no negativity)?

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i kept having this weird feeling for the past few weeks, like something is going to happen. so i read tea leaves. i am a novice at it, however i do grasp the concept, and when i did it, i was able to divine these messages: caution, and indecisive future, theft, and a baby.

this terrifies me, due to the fact that my family has had a child once a year, with each one of my siblings having gone once so far. what do you think it could mean, and am i just being paranoid about this message?




  1. Reading tea leaves is no more accurate method of divination than a magic 8 ball.  So yes, you are overreacting.

  2. well just stay cool!!! nothings gonna happen like that

    tea leaves are to drink and not to read the future

    have a deep sleep, everythings gonna be fine then..

    good luck

  3. I dunno, i don't mean to be negative but those things a whack.So just think of something else. It's probably nothing.

  4. the way, reading tea leaves isnt a good idea. but u should be cautious, they tell the truth, but they are asociated with satan...

  5. it sounds like someone might steal your baby....

    You are reading in the tea leaves your own worries, because you're simply taking images and turning them into something ominous.

    Hope for the best but expect the worst, cliche, but it works. Prepare yourself for something bad to happen, but don't dwell on it, or you'll drive yourself nuts over nothing.

  6. Who we are attracts the life we live.  If you take these things seriously than everything remotely similar you will notice, to the exclusion of everything else.

    The future is what it is.  Don't worry about it, it will be nothing you can't handle.

  7. There is a true saying

    Your Thoughts Become Your Reality

    Everything comes from the mind It is possible to be influenced so much from Your experience Your thoughts do become reality In time

    Please never underestimate the power of the mind It can be a wonderful tool or a real hindrance

    With Respect

    I would advice You to use tea as it was intended

    In the hands of the right Person and in my case it was often my long suffering Daughter [I bought myself a mug inscribed with the words Ring for Tea It also had a very convenient bell attached which I'm convinced She stole]

    It makes a wonderful drink

    May this help

  8. If you're certain that you have a reasonable understanding of using this divination method and you trust your intuition....then you're not overeacting. But these are key considerations.

    I don't use this method personally but my understanding is that, after the cup is turned over after a minute or two, the person then uses their intuition to see shapes, numbers or letters. I don't know how you would get fully formed words like "indecisive future" doing this...and what question(s) did you consider while holding the cup?

    Maybe just isolate one main area, phrase your question around it and try again. As it stands, you have no idea of who these words or ideas even apply to, unless you've specifically mentioned a name. My tools are quite different and I rely heavily on my guides, especially my doctor teacher, to assist in discerning what I "see". This is also something you might want to to them, ask them for help in clarifying the message and be patient. I've been working very closely with my guides for quite some time and it is a continual learning experience that's impossible to master over night. If these messages have arrived from your guides - which is something to seriously consider - they are almost always symbolic and seldom are clear and concise. We've got to do the work but, believe me, they will help.

    Don't get paranoid or upset. Consider that maybe you could do a bit more research or connect with somebody who has expert knowledge with this type of divination tool. No psychic or medium is 100% accurate and even the best can encounter difficulties.

    In the meantime, if I were you, I'd take every opportunity to share some of the high vibration emotions like joy with every person that you can. Spread you laughter, say hello to a stranger, open the door for an elderly lady and always smile as you do it. Right now, you're likely feeling a lump, ache or similar dicomfort in your solar plexus...that is caused by low vibration emotions - worry, anxiety, anger and the like.

    Why would I suggest this? Our outer world reflects the inner...if we're in a constant state of worry, that energy attracts more of the same from the world around us that just keeps adding to itself.

    With joy and laughter, you're attracting exactly the opposite. Most healers who work with energy will tell you that an illness will become noticed in our aura well before it manifests in our physical body. A healer essentially does the equivalent of what I've suggested, just in a different way. They clear away blockages and then flush with positive energy. What you're feeling now will continue and will grow if you don't take steps now, otherwise you'll soon be jumping at shadows.

    And, of course, be grateful each day for one thing in your life and take a few quiet seconds to acknowledge it. It may not happen in a few days or a week but there will be a very noticable change in the way you view specific situations and life in general.

  9. If you believe the random position of leaves in a cup affect or can divine the future of the universe then I am not surprised you have a feeling of foreboding.  When you read tea leaves you aren't taking anything from them, you're projecting yourself into the reading.

  10. come on, you can't really believe that stuff!

  11. I never heard of reading tea leaves, but I love Green Tea!  I am about to brew some now, Iced Green Tea. That is absurd, believing a tea leaf will decide your future. If it does happen, it is because you somehow subconsciously made it happen by believing it will happen. So if a child dies or a crane falls on someone's head, you only have yourself to blame.

  12. If you don't accept negativity, how will you ever learn new things?  You have to be open to the fact that what you believe (like reading tea-leaves) is possible only to the extremely naive.


  13. Keep drinking cups of tea until you get a happy picture that you like - then switch to drinking instant coffee.

  14. You may be overreacting just a little, but that doesn't mean you don't sense a change coming, it's called intuition.

    Everyone has it, though some will deny it, either because it scares them, or they think it is a load of codswallop. Don't let those people tell you that you are nuts.

    Feeling like you do doesn't necessarily mean something 'bad' is going to happen, but you do need to be cautious nonetheless. It might just be a warning to watch what you do and how you go about doing it. If you don't want to have a baby right now, take precautions. Maybe, subconsciously you are unsure about becoming a parent, how you wiould manage, or feel pressured because your siblings all now have children you must make the family proud and have one of your own. Don't ever do something because everyone else has, you have to do what is right for you.

    Intuition is a wonderful thing to have. Don't ignore it, but don't be governed by it.

  15. As long as every body in your family takes care of and protects their children the best they can...(which is what they should do anyway)....then that's all they can do.

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