
Am i overweight?/?????????

by  |  earlier

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i am 11, weigh 78, height 4 feet, 7 inches.(i think) please tell me and don't say who cares and don't worry about that or ANYTHING like that.




  1. Definitely not. I am 13, but 2 years ago when I was 11 I weighed like 95 lbs. If you feel insecure about your weight, just eat more vegetables and try going for a walk or a bike ride with your friends. If you lose a few pounds, then you will feel more confident and also then you will lower your risk of being overweight in the future. So if I was you, I would just eat healthy, don't eat junk food too often (easier than it sounds), and drink more water and less soda. Good luck!!

    P.S. You may want to specify if you mean pounds or Kg because if you mean kg then you are overweight. But you are not underweight at all.

  2. your age and weight have little to do with each other.  

    no you are not overweight

    BMI is not 'junk' rofl....go learn what it is you little twirp

  3. There is a Calorie calculate programe

    Healthy Weight Range Calculator

    More infomation the link:

    When you have this question, please calculate in this site!

  4. more like way under weight

  5. do u mean 78 pounds, if so ur NOT overweight

    if it is 78 kg then yes u r

  6. You are definitely not overweight.  Talk to your parents about this and work together to make sure you have a healthy and active life style, but you are definitely not overweight. Here is a good link.

  7. To find out if you are overweight, the first step is to evaluate yr body weight.

    Evaluating your body weight is very simple . There are two methods that most professionals use to assess body weight, and these can be easily used by individuals at home to assess their weight. These are the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference.

    The Body mass index (BMI)- The Body Mass Index uses an individual’s weight in relation to height to measure body fat. Using the Body Mass Index, weight is assessed using the following scale:


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