
Am i overweight really?

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I don't like the way i look i am allot bigger than all my friends and feel insecure about it i am five foot six and weigh about nine and a half stone am i overweight?




  1. What is 9 and a half stone?

  2. whats your age?why not upload a photo of yourself here?

  3. maybe

  4. I don't think your overweight but if you want to get fitter, you could eat more fruit and veg and cut out the bad food like chocolate and chips etc, also do more exercise like walk everywhere, run/jog in the morning or evening, take a ballet or yoga class they are great for toning up, gaining muscle and losing fat

    Good luck

  5. You're only overweight if you feel that you are, for yourself. Don't compare yourself to others, go by how you feel. If you truly feel that you want to lose weight, do it by exercising more and eating lots of fruits, veggies, salads and lean proteins. Also drinking green tea helps speed up your metabolism, plus the green tea is full of antioxidants which are very healthy. Taking a good quality multivitamin and some fish oil will help you feel energetic and healthy so you can exercise. I'd also suggest getting a body fat composition test done to see if you are overweight. It's hard to tell by just weight, because if you have  a lot of muscle, you could be really fit but weigh more because of the muscle.

    good luck :)

  6. What is nine and a half stone?

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