
Am i paranoid schizophrenic please help :S?

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a few weeks back my shed got put on fire, this fire was intense....i couldn't sleep that every night i unplug my tv in case of and electrical fault and cause a fire! when i cook, i no for a fact i turned the gas of but i have to go and double check...just last night i smell burning paper....i had to check the whole house, every corner of it 3 times before i could go to sleep....i have had experience in drug use about 2 years ago now, i no drugs can be a cause of paranoia, i stopped taking them about 2 years ago i paranoid?, do i need help?




  1. No, you are not schizophrenic. Fact: Schizophrenia is genetic and is a physically based illness, not due to traumatic experience. If you a re prone to paranoia b/c of environmental stimuli, i.e., your shed was on faire, now your anxious about fires in general, I suggest going to a psychologist for an evaluation. Be honest about yor symptoms, how long they occur and your drug use. Remember, schizophrenia is a very serious illness marked by delusions and hallucinations. Try researching anxiety disorders and paranoid personality disorder.

  2. I think the scare of the shed fire has made you very wary and your behaviour is probably normal considering, see how it goes and if it doesn't improve speak to your doctor.I am sure you are not schizophrenic as the symptoms are much more severe than what you are describing.

  3. You have OCD or OCD traits.

    Yes, you need help, go see your GP.  

  4. You are in no way mentally ill, especially not schizophrenia. Schizophrenia includes hallucinations and delusions.

    You went through a fire and now you're a bit cautious. Anyone would be.

  5. Are you for real or just wasting our time? If you are for real, see a councelor, trauma is the problem. Also, please use spell check.  

  6. no  your are not paranoid schizophrenic ...unless your shed didn't burn down at all

  7. You are suffering from paranoia, yes, but not schizophrenia. Talk to a therapist and she if you can get through this. It won't be easy but you can definitely do it.

  8. No, you're not describing any symptoms of schizophrenia.  It sounds like your are dealing with some shock and stress from having your shed burn, and for a while will be extra careful that nothing like that happens again.  That's pretty normal.  If it lasts at the same intensity for a while, think about seeing a counselor for a bit.  

  9. no

    if you were a paranoid schizophrenic youd be thinking that the CIA burnt your shed down

  10. Your suffering from OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder... get it seen too

  11. It sounds like you've had a bit of a shock. This happens often to people who have had fires or car accidents, etc. They tend to give things a lot of attention that they didn't even notice before.

       Your checking things looks like you are simply trying to reassure yourself. It might help to see a counsellor for a few sessions to help you work out your obsession. These things can snowball into a debilitating anxiety. Good luck.

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