
Am i paranormal or not?

by  |  earlier

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I used to whistle to a tune and then i played it again and i heard whistling on the exact part and my brothers where the only people with me and they dont know how to whistle. The other day the door slammed in my room and nobody was there




  1. Door could be air conditioning making some sort of a vacuum? Were you drowsy when any of this happened? You could call some of those guys on those shows, could be you house or whatever is haunted and not you.

  2. wow

  3. how can u be paranormal? do u mean are u experiencing paranormal things? that i beileve.

  4. you can't be "paranormal" unless you are a ghost/demon.

    you can be a medium but I don't think you are.


  5. how can you be mean haunted...dont know but i do believe in such things

  6. high on crack?

  7. you could be experiencing some paranormal activity.  I wouldn't dwell on it, but keep notes so you don't forget anything, try to de-bunk what you experience.

      Are you a pubscent or pre-pubscent female, like 11-14 years old?  Many times spirits will draw energy from your high energy & changing emotional & hormonal states & make poltergeist activity occur.

  8. somebodys playin a prank on u!

  9. douchbag stop sniffing and get a grip  

  10. No.  And before you use a tape you should listen to see if there is something on it already.  I have heard some bizzaro things on brand new out of the wrapper tapes.

  11. Not paranormal.

  12. I think that your thought are incomplete because I cannot understand you.

  13. Could be... to find out for sure, try to make the door close, by changing the air pressure in your house, ie- opening & closing doors in other parts of the house could make your door slam shut, due to changes in pressure... also- wind currents, or sudden jolts (stomping on floorboards, etc.) in an old house, could affect a door...

    Probably you're sensitive to various energies, tho'... if you're interested in developing your psychic abilities, here's a simple exercise you can do-- take a penny, close your eyes, and throw it into a dark room; then try and locate the penny, by sensing where it might have fallen (rather than locating it by searching the room w/ your eyes.)

    If you're bothered by the 'paranormal', here's how to deal with it: ignore it. 'ghosts'/energies can't harm you, if you don't think about them, and if you aren't afraid. things like that, feed on your fear-- as long as you're unafraid, nothing can happen to you. even if you are afraid, the only thing 'ghosts' can do, is influence thoughts you have, that are already present-- in other words, they can't cause you to have an original thought-- only elaborate, or make stronger an influence that is already present in your mind, that originates from you.

    Good luck!-- and remember-- the more you dwell on the 'paranormal' the more paranormal events/entities you will attract to yourself...

  14. Could be.

  15. If you were paranormal you'd be a ghost, spirit, or something from the unworldly phenomenon.

  16. That's so strange. My grandmother bought a ghost that we think there was a ghost in. I know that I'm sounding crazy but I don't discount people for believing. You never know. Just try to be as calm and comfortable in your home as possible. GODBLESS

  17. .............

  18.   I wouldn't say that YOU were paranormal,, but you may have paranormal experiences. What we usually call paranormal is actually quite common. It doesn't make you "weird" .Just don't discuss it with ppl who would not understand , or are close minded to such things. As far as the experiences you mentioned, there is not really enough info to say for sure whether they may have been paranormal or not. If your brothers can't whistle, and you are sure no one else was around a paranormal explanation is certainly possible. In the case of the door, you have to be able to eliminate any wind currents .

       A deceased family member may be wanting your attention. .If you feel someone is around, ask them what they want to say to you . They may tell you in a dream . There is nothing to fear, most spirits are not harmful in any way.

  19. Abnormal.

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