
Am i phycic..?

by  |  earlier

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somtimes i dream about somthing and then it happens and wen im talking to people i will asnwer to a question there ABOUT to ask me bt then wen they acualy sed the question it like 'wtf' and then i was on msn and i laughed at somthing before my friend even sed it and even BEFORE they started to even type it




  1. I would say you are. Thats they way we all are, yous are just kickin in. I only had one dream that came true. Actually they was I saw it. And something I know when something is going to happen.

  2. omg i think u r def pysycic!! thats so spooky! i can't beleve u knew what ur friend was gonna say!  i thought i might have special powers but urs seem way way more than mine, lucky you!!!

  3. no ur not cos i can do it too. its called guessing and i would have thought u are sometimes wrong in the answers u give to people. if u are never wrong and can read peoples minds then i suggest to apply to james randi for the million dollar challenge ,

  4. yes you are try to tap more and more every day into your intuition also watch a&E ( psychic kids )

  5. Everyone has the ability to become a psychic.

  6. It sounds like it.

    Use your gift cautiously and not for your own glory., Most people need not even know about it.

    Pray for God to give you wisdom of how to use this ability.

  7. Yes I think you might be a bit psychic.

  8. In the phsycic world you have clairvoyance.Clairvoyance is the ability to see into the future and that is what you have if you really can see into the future.

  9. I do these kinds of things all the time. It annoys the h**l out of my fiancee.

    However, this isn't really psychic. For me, it's simply knowing the pattern well enough to be able to predict it. For my fiancee, it's because we've been together for four years. It annoys my best friend, too, and I've known him for 15 years, now.

    I also respond to things before people type them, sometimes complete strangers. The way I know is that our language has a pattern to it, and conversations tend to follow this pattern because of the way people think... which is also due to language.

    The better you know what to expect, the easier it is to predict.

  10. Yes and no.

    Your brain builds a pretty sophisticated model of the world around you.  Part of the whole point is to try to predict what might happen next, perhaps so that you can react sooner.  Finishing someone's sentence for them is hardly unusual or paranormal.

    What i find difficult is to predict what i'm going to do next.

    The real test would be to try to guess something that you have no knowledge of.  For example, shuffle a deck of cards and try to predict what card will be dealt next.  Make a record of your wins and losses, and see if you do better than chance.

    But if all you get is an occasional insight, this isn't going to work, right?  I find that my guesses are often spot on, but there's always information, and if i think about it long enough, i figure out where i got it.

  11. You are not psychic.  Sorry.  Chances are it's confirmation bias.  You think you're psychic, so you notice when you're thinking of your friend and they call.  The million other times you think of them and they don't call, it's a non-event and you don't think anything of it.
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