
Am i physic? i get deja vu when i sleep, and i get dizzy out of nowhere when theres not a cause. help please!

by  |  earlier

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i know that a person should actually know if they're physic. But, i have no idea. i have the whole deja vu thing when i sleep, but please someone explain why at certain times i get dizzy, have the chills, and i spazz out. (im really into ghosts etc.) the thing is though that when i have my spazz outs theres nothing around me to cause the spazzing. im a little scared, cuz the spazz outs hurt my head and for some reason it always hapens in my house. other times i feel as if someone is watching me when no one is. these things happen when i'm either at home, or in my church auditorium for some reason. another time i was in south carolina at a old church that had been burnt down, rebuilt, then burnt down again. there was a large tomb that said Mary Bull on it. the Bull's were a old family who were dedicated to that church when it was a building. i walked next to the grave, and oh my gosh. i had the biggest spazz out in history. please help me figure out if i am physic.




  1. I don't know if you're physic, but you might be psychic.

  2. I do not believe you are a psychic but you may be ripe for the psych ward.j/k

    Seriously visit the links bellow.They might give you the answer that you seek.

  3. trust me your not physic nobodys physic is there anybody in your family that spazz if not you really need to go the doctor im sorry about this i hope i helped

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