i know that a person should actually know if they're physic. But, i have no idea. i have the whole deja vu thing when i sleep, but please someone explain why at certain times i get dizzy, have the chills, and i spazz out. (im really into ghosts etc.) the thing is though that when i have my spazz outs theres nothing around me to cause the spazzing. im a little scared, cuz the spazz outs hurt my head and for some reason it always hapens in my house. other times i feel as if someone is watching me when no one is. these things happen when i'm either at home, or in my church auditorium for some reason. another time i was in south carolina at a old church that had been burnt down, rebuilt, then burnt down again. there was a large tomb that said Mary Bull on it. the Bull's were a old family who were dedicated to that church when it was a building. i walked next to the grave, and oh my gosh. i had the biggest spazz out in history. please help me figure out if i am physic.