
Am i pregant? i am 2 days late and have been really streested out thinking im pregant!!!!! ?

by Guest33333  |  earlier

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Me and my boyfriend had s*x for the first time about 2 weeks ago and the condom broke. He pulled out really fast. ever since then i have been really stressed out thinking I'm pregnant. I'm 2 days late and i have had period symptoms like, cramping, breaking out, discharge, really moody, and random crying. but I'm still late. I'm freaking out someone help? ):




  1. Take a deep breath. Relax. Take a pregnancy test first thing in the morning levels are higher then.  

  2. You need to relax and breath. Stressing yourself out can cause all of those things. Try taking a at home test or go to the doctor to be tested.

  3. relaxxxxx

  4. hi there hun,try n calm down and relax..stressing out ain't good 4 u as that will cause the same symptoms a preg test in the morning it may say neg as it may still be early if it does say neg go to ur doctor or take a preg test about a week later.

    hope this helps for you good luck xx

  5. your stressing out to much just relax and see what happenes

  6. Stop stressing.. it will cause your period to be late.. and then that stresses you out EVEN MORE.. I know it's hard to do.. go to the store.. get a home pregnancy test and take it.. it will prob. be neg. If you need anything further after that go see your doctor for blood work.. hope this helps.. good luck. xo

  7. You need to calm down. Stressing can give you those symptoms too. Just relax and go to the doc

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