
Am i pregnant? Are these early signs?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 2 days late for my period and trying to get pregnant. I usually have bad PMS but just feel tearful and my b***s aren't sore like usual. I have an aching lower back and feel bloated - and am not sure about anything else! I took a test this morning which was negative could i still be pregnant?

Thanx for any advice.




  1. These may just be PMS, but there is a chance that you are pregnant. I am expecting my first child now and before I knew I was pregnant i had similar signs. In the first 2 months of my pregnancy i was a bloated mess and was always crying, my breast didn't feel sore or anything though, they just became larger. Don't trust every home pregnancy test because I took 4 that said I was negative and here I am now, 7 months pregnant! Good luck in conceiving!



  2. Hi,

    This sounds really positive and if you are ttc then great but if i where you i would go to your gp for a blood test as this is the most accurate way to tell & sometimes all the advice you get from yahoo although nice for people to answer can just get your hopes up!!

    Good Luck and baby dust!!!

    d x  

  3. Early pregnancy signs and PMS signs are pretty similarso is very difficult to know, I would wait a couples of day and take another test.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. those all sound like symptoms so I would take another test in a couple days... GOOD LUCK! but it could also be your mind playing tricks on you too.

  5. could be best thing to do is ask for a blood test

  6. Maybe, you should wait a few more days and if you haven't started take another test. THe longer you wait the more accurate the results are. Good luck!

  7. The first sign is itching nipples! Feeling bloated and lower back pain sounds like PMT to me, Of course you could still be pregnant , do another test in a few days.

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