
Am i pregnant? Can i get pregnant if...?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my boyfriend are 15 years old. We madly in love with each other and seriously love each other, besides that, i am worried that i can get pregnant by the things we've been doing. We hang out just about every single day at my house and we always do something sexual. If we don't have a condom i wear just my underwear and he we will have s*x like that; his p***s is out completely and the only thing between us is my underwear. it goes in and we go on from there. this process, we call clucking and it works very nicely, only sometimes hurts. [him or me] when we do this he will eventually *** and before he does that he pulls out fast. but then i worry about the pre-seminal fluid that may have gotten on my underwear. *** can leak through can't it? but i always change and wipe right after that just to be on the safe side. ive worried about this before too. i have gotten my period after weve done this once before but i was supposed to have it anyways like 4 days after. I REALLY NEED HELP?

another thing we've tried once before: we make sure he is completely dry down there and then we stick it in with no protection. all naked. can that make me pregnant?? i only know so much about this stuff and need your help answering this question? need more info? ask? THANK YOU! =)




  1. I do believe there is a chance you could get pregnant, especially since you admit to at least once having sexual intercourse.  

  2. A good rule of thumb is that there is ALWAYS a possibility of getting pregnant when a man and a woman's sexual areas come together. Through the underwear is extremely rare. However - if you're having unprotected s*x even though he's "dry", that is a very risky behavior. He may be dry when you start, but even the smallest bit of fluid can contain sperm - and it only takes one to make a baby!

    I don't know what state you live in, but at 15, your options can be limited when it comes to birth control. Regardless, it is very important that you use some form of birth control. When passion rises, sometimes it's hard to hold back, but it's one moment of poor judgment that can create a baby.

    Be careful and stay safe!

  3. COndoms are not THAT expensive, and there are plenty of places you can get them for free. WHat you are doing is very risky, and really its only a matter of time before you have a pregnancy scare. Wiping off afterwards, is not a sufficient way to stop yourself fromg etting pregnant. ANd yes, s***n can leak through underwear, underwear is very thin, and if he is constantly rubbing on them, then it is very possible some s***n can get through. Just get yourself on some form of birth control or use condoms.  

  4. i think that if u want to have s*x safly and not be worried just use a condum u should have some in ur room and he should have them so if u want to do it you'll always be ready u could also try anal u know but s*x u will have a smaller posobilitty of getting pregnat

  5. First off, your underwear is not a barrier. precome also contains sperm. You cannot wipe and remove all sperm. You can get pregnant even if he pulls out before o****m. You can get pregnant if having s*x when you have your period. You need to protect yourself my dear. If you can't talk to your parents (i recommend) then find your local planned parenthood. At 15, the last thing you need is a baby. Be smart,be safe!!!!

  6. ok so you could get pregnant, but a good thing to do is take a shower after having s*x so you don't get any infection and the only way to get pregnant is if he oozes into you meaning if he lets his fluid into you then you have a high chance of getting pregnant just pull out when you feel he's gonna ooze into you and you should be ok but just use condoms or take the morning after pill just incase. Good luck and have fun :P

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