I know people get fed up of these questions but here goes..
ok, im due on my period in about 3 days ish, my last period was on 4th August and im on a 31 day cycle i think? not sure!
I have v sore b***s, i keep going dizzy, i feel nauseous in the morning when i wake up.. until i've eaten then im ok, my stomach is v swollen, it feels like a balloon, full of air etc, i keep needing to pee.. like every hour n a half to 2 hours, i have heartburn, headaches and im v v tired like all the time no matter how much sleep i get.
I did three 10miu tests that i bought off ebay that are similar to the ones english NHS doctors use and on all three, there was obviously the Control line that shows the test worked, but where the Test bit was.. which is where the result is shown.. pos/neg etc.. there was this very very very faint pink ish line.. similar to a watermark on a bit of paper, n i could only see it in bright daylight (in my bathroom)
On all this.. what does everyone think?? Am i pregnant or not? I am on month 4 of TTC baby no 2 and im really hoping this is my Positive result that i have been waiting for.
I need other people's opinion as im winding myself up about it thinking i cant be etc. n then thinking i must be... as i said the positive results on the test were barely visible but i could def see some pink just about coming through on the test.. there was definitely something there, but im not sure if its enough for an accurate result... should i just wait for my AF, as blood test at the docs would take 2 weeks to come back to me, to tell me if im pos/neg!