
Am i pregnant? (i cant beleiv im askin this)?

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i think about 3-4 months ago i had protected s*x 3 times (not in same month) but 3-4months was the last time.

i no im not pregnant, but people have been getting pregnant so quickly these days at young age (im 15) and lately my v****a has been kind of dry (no pain nothing) thats it and my stomach has had a little bit of pain today.

the major issue is that i dont think ive had my period for 2 months now cause im certain i didnt have it in august or even july! im scared becuz i should be haqving it by now. and wat dus it mean by havng a dry v****a im not going thru menopause!!

(not as much discharge has been coming out only a lil bit and its thick but the tinyist bit with no bad smell)




  1. 3 times, unprotected s*x, 15 year old? Are you serious! People like you are why the world is so messed up. Everyone thinks s*x at 15 is okay, and being pregnant at 15 is okay, because of people like you.  No one stands up against it anymore.  You're a w***e. You're gonna end up like the hoes in the ghetto sittin on their broke as s steps with a baby in their lap and a cigarette hangin out your mouth. trashy.

    Fine, Edit.

    If you keep being a w***e, then you'll still end up that way. Keep your legs closed whooooreee. Protected or not.

  2. Take a home test, fast and easy. No Period normally means preggers

  3. test :)

  4. The first step is to take a pregnancy test or 2 mate. Not what you want to hear I know, but it needs to be eliminated.

    It's a possibility even after protected s*x. There may have been a hole on the condom, it might not have been on right and leaked or maybe there was a bit of goo on his hand.

    If you get a negative you'd best go and see a doctor. There may be something not quite right inside.

  5. Take a home pregnancy test right away.Good luck hun

  6. its gonna hurt when you give birth..... i assume ?

  7. At three months you'd be hungry *all* the time, and have more discharge, not less. You might have round ligament pain that would make your belly hurt, and your b*****s might be tender. So I think it's possible but not likely.

    It's not unusual for a very young woman to have irregular periods or changes in discharge, but just in case it's something more serious than hormone fluctuations, get yourself to a doctor and get checked out. You don't even have to tell your parents you had s*x, just tell your mom you're having vaginal dryness and want to make sure something isn't going on. Do tell your doctor that you were sexually active, they are required by law to keep that information confidential but will need the information to know what to look for.

  8. nobody can answer that on here, it's a 50/50 chance always, anytime you have s*x. if you don't want to have a baby with a person than you shouldn't have s*x with them, or at all for that matter. if you think about it s*x is not for pleasure, it is for procreation. you also need to worry about STDs, or were you thinking that a baby is the worst thing you guys could catch? either way you need to go to the doc. or go to Planned Parenthood

  9. Hey Lisa. Wow u must be scared. I had the same prob wen I was 15. I wasn't preg tho. Have u done a home preg test. That is prob somethin to consider. A missed period could be from stress as well. Maybe u should go c doc. Just to check there is nothing else. Good luck

  10. get a test.

    if u dont want one... use rubbers!

    common sense.

  11. 1. Go to a drugstore

    2. Buy a pregnancy test

    3. Use the pregnancy test per the instructions

    4. Know for almost certain whether or not you are pregnant

    Theres no more to it than that.  Its way more accurate than asking us.

  12. i would go do a test sweetie.

    i was 17 when i had my son and had the same kind of symptoms.

    it is easy to ignore the symptoms but it is easier to just find the truth  

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