
Am i pregnant or could it be that im getting a ?????? PLEASE HELP....?

by  |  earlier

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so this is an emberassing question but i have googled it and found alot of stupid but not accurate info ... so i am trying to conceive and well i actually douched last night which i have not done that in over a year... but anyway i was taking a shower and noticed that my vigina was a little swollen. i decided to feel up there to see if it was swollen as well.. and it was so i came out of the shower and told my husband i told him to look and he said it was a little swollen. so we decided to do it so he can tell me if he feels anything different... well he said it was more cushionny and after a minute or 2 couldnt really feel anything and neither could i..... could this mean im pregnant , ovulating, or going to get a yeast infection?




  1. I would go to the doctor. Seriously. It could be an allergic reaction. Or you could be pregnant but if you couldnt feel it definitely something that needs a doctor looking at.

  2. Well, I don't remember that being a sign when I was pregnant.  But, I do know that douching is not a good idea especially if you are trying to concieve unless recommended by your doctor.  Sometimes they can even make your body more vulnerable to infections.  Your body should naturally take care of any odors, etc.  If it doesn't, you may have some sort of infection.  If I were you I would just go get an over the counter pregnancy test and contact your doctor either way.  I know these things can be scary from personal experience.  If you think you might be pregnant I wouldn't use anymore douches, medications, etc until you find out for sure.  Good Luck!

  3. I would talk to your doctor or gynecologist- they will be the most reliable sources, I'm sure.

  4. umm you might just be getting your period, but the chances of you being pregnant are high

  5. I usually swell when I am ovulating.

    hahaha! I had to laugh .... You two "decided to do it to see if anything felt different.."

    Yeah... my husband would have sooo tried that to!! hahah

    ANyway, why do you douch? Your body takes care of that on it's own, you could be causing more problems.

  6. Ovulation. Most women get swollen glands when they ovulate. I'd take a pregnancy test if I where you, because if you are pregnant that could be a bad sign and you might want to see a Dr.

    good luck

  7. I would talk to a Dr. I would say that you diff have something goign on and it needs looked at. If you don't want to go see a Dr. I would at least recommend that you call your local hospital and talk to a Nurse on the Ask a Nurse hot line.

    Good luck hun!

  8. You really shouldn't douche.  It can effect they way your body naturally cleanses itself.  You could very well be allergic to hte douche.  Especially if it was a scented one.

  9. i dont really know what's going on..

  10. OK I'm going to say this as nice a possible DO NOT DOUCHE !!!!!!!!!! its no good it can cause an infection that can be really bad for you. Being swollen can mean your ovulating but you should go to the doctor and get checked just in case if your worried .

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