
Am i pregnant or not....

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ok here is a little bit behind the story, my last period started on june 29 an ended on july 2 or 3rd. on july 5th i had unprotected s*x. so now its been about 29 days since then an over 30 days since my last period..

an lately my body has been feeling different i am always tired, its seems like i always have to use the bathroom, i've had headaches like every other day an i wake up with a stomach ache an go the rest of the day till its time for bed feeling full an sick, an for the last day or two ive been having cramps like my period is on its way but it hasnt come yet, an i havent even got my regular period bump like usual. maybe im just reading to much in to it, or maybe im just in denial an kno im pregnant???





  2. Theres always a risk of pregnancy when you have unprotected s*x.  However, the chances are higher when a woman is ovulating (which is usually 14 days after her last period)..your symptons do sound like you could be pregnant but  You might just be having a strong period coming on (i actually used to have the same thing...painful cramps and such when i was a teenager and worried or not if it was my period or pregnancy)

    If youre so worried about getting pregnant, maybe you should consider birth control.  I suggest nuva ring.  you put it in once a month, it stays in your cervix (you can hardly feel it), you take it out after 28 days, have your period and insert a new one.  Ive been on it for 6 years and have been frequently sexually active with my bf and no pregnancy has happened.  Plus, theres been little side effects for me.  I dont know your age but maybe you should talk to your mom about the possiblity.

  3. No you cant be pregnant you had s*x right after you period.. Your ovulation period isnt until 2 weeks after and 2 weeks before your your period. You can only get pregnant like 3 or 4 days a month

  4. hmm,, maybe.  Try a pregnancy test if you're suspecting it, and then go talk to your doctor.

  5. go to your doctor, or try a pregnency test.  

  6. Try a pregnacy test

  7. Your best bet is to take a test. You  might be pregnant but since you have researched it so much that it might just be all in your head. Like... you know like when someone around you gets sick and throws up and then you feel sick to your stomach?

  8. Test?

  9. How am I supposed to know? The best way to know is to take a pregnancy test!

  10. You may be.....take a home pregnancy test or see your doctor and find out.....stop guessing.

  11. The only way to know for sure is to go to your doctor.

  12. Go to your doctor!

  13. before i found out i was pregnant i was really  hungary and  tired all the time and i always remember lieing in bed on my front and hearing my heart  beating really fast but it sounded really load and thats when i new there was somthing going on i took the test and it came back pos  

  14. Before it's too late, buy a pregnancy test from a pharmacy and see it yourself. Be sure and happy.

  15. Ok if you don't have your period in like a week, ur probably pregnant. But take a pregnancy test now. And that will clear it up. If u take the test and ur still unsure, see your doctor. I'm not saying this for u to ignore it. If ur pregnant u need to be able to nurture and care for ur baby by knowin what to do asap. And I please ask u to keep abortion out of it. I mean its ur baby with ur genes and dna why would u want to kill it brutally without a second thought? u'll regret it. i'm not trying to be like a preacher but i dont want u 2 make a mistake. I know u'll do the right thing if u r pregnant. Best wishes

  16. most likely, missing your period is a major symptom of pregnancy, you miss your period if your stressed, and also tiredness, nauseau and dizzyness and morning sickness, don't eat enough or pregnant. take a test or see your doctor.

  17. Definitely buy a pregnancy test. If it's positive, see a doctor. If not, wait another week or two (maybe you're stressed) then consult a doctor.

  18. TAKE A TEST !!!

  19. sounds like your pregnant - youshould c ur gp

  20. take a test ?

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