
Am i pregnant? stupid question i know but im confused!?

by  |  earlier

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Well i ovulated on the 6th/7th august, during that week me and my boyfriend had intercousre every other day, the following week i had sore bbs, abdominal cramps, and alot of wind, i was goin out of my mind wondering and took 3 hpts all neg, my period was due yesterday,i took a test yesterday and still neg but then i came on my periods, atleast thats what i though, my 1st few days im always quite heavy, this is only showing when i wipe and its quite brown, surely if i was pregnant it would have shown on the test yesterday???can any1 help? oh and im having really bad mood swings too.




  1. The brown discharge you described can be either in early pregnancy or also the onset of period. I'd wait another few days and then retest with an early hpt and if you can stretch to it take a digital one

  2. i suggest you get a blood test done they are more accurate.. good luck

  3. i suggest you get a blood test i feel the same way im in kind of the same situation but better to be safe then sorry right? the hardest part is not knowing!!

  4. This sounds like me when I was pg each time, had all the signs of a period but just the brown when you wipe, I knew I was pg but didn't get a pos test until 3rd day after missed period. Test tomorrow but do it with first wee of the day, don't want to build up your hopes but sounds to me like you could be. Best wishes.

  5. if what you had yesterday was implantation bleeding it wouldn't show on a test for a few days after as you only start to release hcg once the egg has implanted take a test again in 3 or so days time if you period hasn't got any heavier

  6. If you feel like you are pregnant ... I suggest you get a blood test done... I had the same symptoms but I had a weak positive in my hCG test but was waiting for it to be more clear and the next thing I found out was I was late to see the doc who would have been able to give me hormones to sustain the preganany and as a result I miscarried... could stop feeling "I should have" and "I could have" since then.... go to the doc and get a blood test.... as my doc said if you are ttc or havign problems concieveing if you are late for  two days you should get yourself tested.... good luck

  7. It will not show up on a home test so early trust me I know.  If you have only had a small amount of brownish discharge then it is possible that it could be implantation blood which I had with my first pregnancy.  I have been pregnant 4 times and not one has shown up on a home test cause it was too early.  I found out at 3 weeks pregnant all 4 times.  It would be a good idea to get a blood test but you will need to be at least 20 days pregnant for it to register as above the levels that it needs to be above in order to determine if you are pregnant.  i would wait and see if you get a normal period when you are next due and if you do then you are not pregnant but if it is late or doesn't come at all I would go see your doctor and ask for a blood test.  I would not worry about the mood swings it could be hormones or it could just be that you are stressed that you might be pregnant.  Try not to worry though, it is just a waiting game now for a little while.  I know it sucks but that is all I can help you with.  Hope this helps.

  8. Well,

    There is a chance that u are pregnant of course, but you also could be so worried about it that you are having a very light period.

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