
Am i pursuing too many dreams????

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i'm 20 years old,doing B.Tech in computer science.currently in second year..i'm a green belt in seishenkai shitoryu karate,i'm playing guitar for 2 years and currently working on blues(genre),i just love coding in programming languages like c++,c.

also i'm into Parkour..though a beginner..

i want to ace all the things i'm into ...

is it an impossible do at a time.. am i pursuing a h**l lot of things at a time ???

because sometimes i don't do it regularly..all of em..

and don't maintain a schedule for em..i just do it when i feel like ..any of em..other than karate because i'm a member of a dojo..




  1. You should take it easy and steady. If all of these things are something you want to do, then don't worry so much and do it with little stress and little pressure BUT if you feel some of these things are wearing you down. Do little of it at a time. You're still young. You have all of the time in the world.

  2. i need to learn to manage your time wisely that's all man .

    even if you have to make a chart do it

    thats what i've done but for school..

    i make sure to spend enough time for a certain class then i also make sure i get one day to myself or else i go crazy!

  3. If you can manage juggle all those things around without too much hassle I say go for it, if it's causing you problems then maybe an idea to get your foot off the gas and slow down.

  4. you are an incredibly ambitious person and you are just one of those people who find satisfaction in striving for success so go for it.

    Do the things you love so long as it doesn't disrupt deteriorate your mental health and psychology by stress.

    Go for it but also know when you are overworking yourself.

    Best of luck!!

  5. No way, it's good to pursue your dreams, even though it's a lot, Don't worry as long as you can handle them all your fine.

  6. I can tell you from forty years of doing martial arts and being well into my 50s and retired from the military a few things I have observed and you can take them for what they are worth.  You are only young once and some things you have to pursue when you are younger as you can't wait till mid age, mid career or later as you will be to old.  I was very fortunate in this but it still came at some cost to my military career and a few other things.  Secondly there is not much out there that will substitute for a good education as it will better set you up for a good career.  So I think you are right to try and do all this, just keep your perspective on things and maybe set some goals and time lines as well as practice good time management and stick with that education even if you have to back off of martial arts or your music a little at times.  In the long run you will be way better off.  So many younger people today don't try to follow their dreams or plan and time slips by and they have little or nothing to show for it or have accomplished so much less than they otherwise could or should have.  Being in your 20's if you make a bad decision, mess up, or go down a blind alley you are still young enough to make up for that.  That ability shrinks as you get into your thirties and forties though and this can also all be a factor in all this.

  7. Not at all, bro.  I encourage your enthusiasm and interest in multiple hobbies.  Personally, I train in martial arts, climb and hike, kayak, target shoot, play with my Subaru WRX, while studying nursing and maintaining an active social life.  And those are just my active hobbies..  We won't get into the hobbies I haven't done in the past month.  Lol.  Do as much as you can, while you can.  Live it up!! Good luck.  =)

  8. Don't worry. You will sort it out in time. You will find that sometimes things have a certain symmetry to them. For instance music and programing, Karate and music. It is interesting that the things you like are on left side intense and right side intense in regard to the brain. I believe you will find your balance in this. They are complementary pursuits.

    Be sure you find some time to relax and clear the mind from time to time. Do something outside close to nature. I have a daughter who is like you who plays in a  group and is a philosophy major with a minor in math and does youth missions with the church she attends. I just advise the same thing to her. Just make sure you get some down time to be relaxed and in touch with nature. this helps you find your balance. Remember that we are threefold in our make up. We have a physical, mental, and spiritual side that all need attention.

  9. You're a full time student, so you have time to study, play and grow, this is the time to do these things so do them.  If you love to code C/C++, make sure you do all your projects in these languages.  As far as Karate goes, get in as many classes and as much practice as you can.

    You're at the wonderful adolescent stage of your life where you can chase dreams, so go, chase and have fun doing it.

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