
Am i really that ugly?Pics included?

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i feel that i am really ugly. a few days ago this kid was like go away and deflate your nose.i also feel that what i am talking to people they r looking straight at my nose.


Am i ugly?

Is there any way to boost my confidence?


plz be honest, but not reallly really mean<3




  1. You are absolutely NOT ugly. Some people enjoy being insulting, and the insults don&#039;t have to be based on truth. Everyone&#039;s nose protrudes from their face some.

    As for whether people are looking at your nose, two things. First, some people don&#039;t really like to meet others in the eyes while talking (it&#039;s a lack of self confidence, usually) and one of the tricks they teach you is to instead of looking at the person&#039;s eyes, focus on their nose. That way it looks like you&#039;re looking them in the eye. Seriously. Second, they may be looking at all of you. Especially with guys. Guys are very visual. I find myself scanning a beautiful woman I meet, without even realizing it.

    So to sum up, you&#039;re gorgeous (not just saying that) and the only way to really boost your confidence is to not put yourself down, and hang with people who boost your confidence, too. And maybe date someone who can&#039;t tell you enough how hot you are.

  2. your cute! that kid is stupid.  

  3. your hella hot.. who said you were ugly?

  4. the best way to boost your confidence is to delete this question and stop looking for approval from other people.  it doesn&#039;t matter how beautiful you are because there is always going to be something about you that somebody doesn&#039;t like.  some people like skinny, some like thick, big noses, small noses.  you can get the approval of every guy here.  until you are happy with the way you look, you will never have the confidence you seek.  being beautiful is not something someone tells you, it&#039;s something you believe.

  5. Oh my god! You are so pretty!!!!!!!

  6. you are pretty [pay no attention to them , they may be jealous who knws? haha, goodluck

  7. to be honest, you are cute.

  8. you are definitely not look very nice..your nose more noticeable though..but who;re not ugly :)

    and i can&#039;t really help with the confidence building because i have issues with that of my own =/ u can see about those if you answer my question :)

    answer mine plz?;...

  9. ur definitely pretty!!!

    don&#039;t pay attention on what other people say bout u.

  10. OMG, you are SOOOOOO pretty and I&#039;m not a L*****n, I think that you are just fishing for compliments

  11. You think you&#039;re ugly?!You&#039;re REALLY pretty!

  12. you are so pretty? just curious how old r  u ?

    you look 16  

  13. you are not even close to looking ugly

    you look great you really do i think you can be a model when you turn 18 or if you are allready 18 then become a model  

  14. ya you are way ugly (sarcasm) you are a 10. beautiful. ya your nose is big but it&#039;s not huge, it makes you. you. don&#039;t dwell on it. you are cute

  15. WTH!!

    stupid kid is crazyyy

    your beautiful girl!!

    im sure hes jealous and knows he cant have you

  16. No, you are not ugly.

    You have a nice face.

    There is nothing wrong about your nose; it&#039;s not big.

    Ugly is when a person&#039;s features don&#039;t go well together, or are not in proportion, and yours go smoothly together and are in a great proportion.

    You look about 14 or 15 years old - forgive me if I&#039;m wrong, but, in my experiences, some guys around that age will be total jerks for no reason, and try to get under your skin in ways they know will work.

    It&#039;s possible this kid wasn&#039;t even really thinking about what he said before he said it - everyone does that.

    Don&#039;t let any insecurity take over your life. It&#039;s not healthy.

    Negative comments always, always, stick out in one&#039;s mind. But don&#039;t let it get in the way of your life.

    Get confident by ignoring what he said.

    Based on those photos, I think you&#039;ve got a great skin tone.

    You have awesome complexion.

    You look athletic, and you&#039;re thin.

    And, you have really nice eyebrows - which is always a plus.

    Don&#039;t focus on the comment that this guy made without thinking.

    Focus on having fun. Focus on your great friends.

    Just live it up and don&#039;t worry what other people are thinking about you.

  17. that kids a jerk i would punch him in the face.... hehe

    no really ur pretty dont let ppl let you believe otherwise

  18. you&#039;re pretty!! i like your eyebrows btw

  19. Those kids are just saying that cause that the only thing wrong with u. they finally found a flaw so they&#039;re going use it cause they&#039;re just jealous. Ur really pretty. My nose is just like urs but who cares i still think ur pretty

  20. ohh well i think u look good but yeah u have a big nose

    but who cares dont worry about that


  21. your really pretty OH MY GOD!!!!!

  22. Isn&#039;t it strange how everyone thinks the ultimate way to insult a girl is to call her ugly? Believe me, no matter what anyone says, you are beautiful.

    In middle school and high school, guys are influenced by the media. They see women wearing eyeliner and caked on makeup, and they think this is the ideal beauty.

    I get called beautiful by friends and strangers, and have I been called ugly by shallow guys? Yes. I&#039;m sure most girls have. It&#039;s just a freakin&#039; low blow that guys think is the &quot;epic win&quot; comeback. Don&#039;t worry about it. And your nose is fine. It really compliments your other features! It&#039;s a soft and feminine nose, not the fake pig-noses you see on TV!

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