
Am i right in saying Arsenic has a sort of smell of Almonds?

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Am i right in saying Arsenic has a sort of smell of Almonds?




  1. I'm with the others, I thought it was cyanide that smells of almonds

  2. i dont know I have never smelled it ,  I have an idea, taste it and let me know, LOL,  no Im just kidding dont do that

  3. i thought cyanide smells like almonds/marzipan. i might be wrong though.

  4. Yes but when heated in air it oxidizes to arsenic trioxide; the fumes from this reaction have an odor resembling garlic.

    It's supposed to taste like the seeds of an apple.

  5. I vote for cyanide. I doubt elemental arsenic has an aroma.

  6. o.k, so, who are you trying to poison???  .....:)

  7. I think that's cyanide, the almond smell.

  8. You could be right there!

  9. You are correct.

    For a lighthearted tale about Arsenic, research the play,

    "Arsenic and Old Lace".

  10. Nope, that's definitely Cyanide.

    Arsenic (when it oxidises) is colourless and odourless.

    But don't go poisoning anyone, okay?


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