
Am i shy or mature? im confused?

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I can talk to people, i mean thats not hard or a problem for me, but most of the time i like being quiet because i dont really like being loud. I can talk for days if its about something interesting, but when people talk all the time and 99% of the time its stupid little comments, i get stuck and dont know what to say. I understand life, and maturity, and i think it might be that im 19 and im talking about 16 year olds. But still, i could talk more, but theres nothing ever to really talk about.

One time i was on the boat watching my two friends tubing. There were 2 girls in the boat with me, and they asked why i was being quiet. It wasnt that i was bein quiet, but rather they jus kept talkin and laughing and commenting on the Dumbest things.




  1. nah dude i have friends that never speak. even my best friend never talks. we go on virtually silent car rides. its all good dude. some people just don't like to talk about stuff just for the sake of talking.

  2. Being shy, and not connecting with some, or seeing eye to eye to others are totally different things. Try associating with a different age group.

  3. You are matured. It's always better to give chances others to speak. It's sign of maturity. I am also talketive, it's in general but when there is any matter serious (any one) , I speak only where / when needed.

  4. I think that this is perfectly normal. I, myself hate making conversation just for the sake of it.  

  5. i agree with this idea that u may try to hang out with differentt ppl, who let yourselff feel free on stuff. it doesnt really matter if u r shy or mature, but sumtimes think in another way about what others talk about, that might bring u sumthing diffrent into ur mind ^^  

  6. Sometimes when a person is well read and educated to know how to converse on an intelectual level they have a harder time with people there own ages until maturity and then there peers catch up.

  7. I think you should hang around different people. The people you seem to be around sound simple and shallow. That's ok too but I guess it's not where you're at right now. I would say find a crowd that is more thoughtful and reflective, that isn't into wasting their day with small talk but with more progressive conversations that lead to something productive.

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