
Am i sick? I keep getting hot and then very cold but i don't have a temperature?

by  |  earlier

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I keep getting hot and cold. But i don't have a temperature.

I went to the doctor but he didn't really do anything, i also have a really really bad headache, all this has been going on for about 4 days now.

I also have a cut on my foot that has got infected would that have anything to do with this?






  1. 1) Get some Neosporin and band-aids and cover that cut.  Neosporin is the best topical antibiotic out there and will heal that infection in a day or two.  If your body is freaking out because of the cut, the best you can do is help it heal quickly.

    2) Your hot/cold shifts might be allergic reactions.  Some people sneeze, some people turn red... some people have other reactions, like the sensation of sudden temperature changes.  I would try some non-drowsy allergy meds... e.g., Claritin or Alavert.  (I like Alavert, just dissolves on the tongue and acts quicker).

    3) For the headache, get some Excedrin Extra Strength or Excedrin Migraine - it's the same tablet sold under different names.  This cures any headache in no time, because it's the perfect trifecta: caffeine, aspirin, and acetominaphen.

    4) If the doctor did not give a specific answer, call his office and ask to speak with him.  If you are young, have a parent do it...  Demand to know his best guess.  If he cannot suggest anything, see another doctor.  Sometimes, doctors can miss things that others pick up on.  The steps above can help with your symptoms, but you really need a good doctor to see you since this has been going for 4 days.

    5) I hope you were serious and that this isn't just another registered nurse playing quiz-the-public games on some obscure medical condition about which she already knows :)

    Hope this helps.

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