
Am i slightly depressed??

by  |  earlier

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ive had a series of very unfortunate events, and theyve let me feeling.....drained.

i dont enjoy doing anthing anymore, i cant sleep, and barely get 3 hours a night.

i have NO appetite, and rarely eat proper meals.

i cry, all the time, especialy when im not doing anything.

im generally not a happy person. i used to be very happy, but now, its weird, im just not.

are any of these symptoms of depression??

thank you for your kind answers :)




  1. Yeah. All of those symptoms could be depression. But you're not alone, sweetie, I have it too. We are working on it with pills and so far, nothing. But sometimes this method takes a while.

  2. If these symptoms are new, then you probably have mild depression brought on by stress.  

  3. i think you could be. i hope you feel better. :) you should try talking to someone.  

  4. these are all the symptoms of depression. Go to a psychologist they will help. trust me.

  5. These are signs of depression. Try to see what you can do to recover. Maybe you have somebody you could talk to?

  6. yea, try getting some sunlight. mabie go to the beach or something, with a friend would be even better. you need 1: sunlight  2: a friend to talk to  3: optmistic thinking ( try really hard)

    wish you luck!


  7. You might now be depressed, but you might be going through a tough time.  Go see a therapist, someone who can help you deal with what you are going through.  

  8. Yes, those are very typical symptoms of depression. Generally if those feelings last two weeks or more you're considered clinically depressed. The good news is that it's really common, so there are a lot of treatments! If you feel like you just can't shake it, even by trying to eat better, exercise, rest well, etc.... then see your doctor. He/she can help you with finding a psychiatrist or therapist, and/or trying medication for a while. It's a matter of opinion as to which is best for you, but I personally think it's optimal to consider therapy too if you go the medication route. Medication alone is not bad at all; but if you're interested in learning more about yourself and how to cope with normal life changes, therapy is ideal - it can teach you a lot as opposed to just quick-fixing your symptoms.

  9. If you have 5 of the 9 below for over 2 weeks, it could be depression.

    1. Depressed mood

    2. Loss of interest in usual activities

    3. Loss of appetite

    4. Insomnia

    5. Psychomotor retardation (slow thought or movement)

    6.Loss of energy

    7. Feelings of worthlessness and guilt

    8. Diminished ability to think and poor concentration

    9. Suicidal thought or action

    See site below for natural help. There can be many causes.

    Kevin Trudeau says in Natural Cures,

    "In the Natural Cures book I talk about the fact that the sun does not cause skin cancer. The sun is needed for life. If you do not spend time in the sun you will be sick. The sun is vital for health, longevity and to be disease free....Without sunlight you develop diseases including depression, lack of energy, poor sleep, poor digestion, weight gain, arthritis, constipation, bad breath, body odor, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, ADD, stress, headaches, susceptibility to colds, flus and viral infections, PMS, male erectile dysfunction, loss of sexual desire in women, infertility anxiety and more."

  10. You could be deeply depressed.

    I think if you hang with your family or close friends for a while, they may make you better.

    If that doesn't work, I think you need to go to your doctor and ask about alternative cures. (Medication, Phyciatrist, etc.)

  11. Yes they are! I think you need to analyze the events that caused you to feel this way and decide if your beliefs about them are rational or irrational. If they are out of your control then chances are they are irrational beliefs.

    Example - I think I failed that test

    If you don't know for sure then why are you harping on something that you don't even know is true!

    You should try to rationalize your beliefs by thinking this way.

    Example- Everyone does bad sometimes on tests and I know I can suceed on future tests because I have done it before.

    If you change the way you think by correcting yourself when you start to think irrationally.

    Thois process is called 4 stepping. First, you identify the event. Then you can make a list of all the ways it makes you feel (your feelings). Then make a list of all of your beliefs about the event. Then go through each beleif and decide if its rational or irrational. If its irrational you CANNOT prove it as rational. The you can change your irrational beliefs to rational ones.  

  12. Have there been any sudden changes in your routine or something happened? Ask yourself what are you sad about? And mabe talk to your parents or a counselor. A counseler's job is to help people out like what you're going through. Trust me :)

  13. Yes you sound depressed. Even if you aren't clinically depressed you should seek help if you feel the recent events in your life are overwhelming, and I can tell you events can be.

    Everything you state sounds like depression.

    Good luck to you and I hope you find what you need.

  14. All of those are symptoms of depression.  If they last 10 days, please see a doctor or a therapist.

  15. i think you are

    but like, how old are you?

    idk, i used to see a you know, qualified helper for this too and i know how you feel it sucks, terribly.

    just try to find the source of it and make it better .!

    dont be around negativity and do things that make you feel better .!

    exercise makes you feel awesome by the way

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