
Am i <span title="paranoid???????????????????">paranoid?????????????????...</span>

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well when i dirnk hot chocolate or tea i stir till theres nothing left if there is one chocolate particle i see i won't drink it or if i see tea leeves at the bottom of the glasses i gag and i kinda a germiphobe well am i paranoid?




  1. No, not paranoid, but maybe a bit mild Obsessive Compulsive.

    If this is not annoying you on a daily basis, and your life is not consumed by it, don&#039;t worry, we all have our little pet peeves.( things that annoy us).

  2. I wouldn&#039;t call it paranoid. Just picky perhaps?

    I understand the tea leaves thing. I don&#039;t like that part.

    As for the chocolate thing, if the darn chocolate doesn&#039;t melt, I scoop it up and eat it.

    Then there isn&#039;t any floating chocolate pieces in it. :]

  3. it&#039;s not paranoia unless you think the chocolate particles and tea leaves are talking about you...if they are, THEN it&#039;s paranoia

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