
Am i spolied?

by  |  earlier

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dont think i'm spoiled but my mom thinks i am. what do ya'll think? I have 4 digital cameras of my own, i've gone through 3 laptops, i have a 2 digital camcorders, i have 6 pairs of seven jeans. I wear lilly and lacoste, I got a donney and burke when I was 10, I got a cell phone when i was 11(gone through 3). I have an ipod nano,ipod mini, zen vision mand ipod touch And i get $50 a month for allowence, i also have an electric guitar, xbox360, PS2, copy/scanner printer, i've had my room re-done 5 times, i have 2 palm pilots, gone through 3 cell phones, a stereo, real blue sapphire ring i got when i was 13 and 4 flat screen tvs plus all the other tvs in my house, and for my 15th bday i want a shopping spree, laptop, or a pink hummer h3 or a jeep liberty or a toyota 4runner or a red corvette and i just ordered a new Dell Inspiron 1525 yellow..... soo am i spolied b/c i really don't think i am... but some ppl do which i think is absolutley CrAzY i mean come on... is that really spolied..





    Haven't you already got your answer or are you going for two out of three

  2. haha.

    how funny.

    youre trying to brag.

    sorry kid, but bragging isnt cool or a good thing.


  3. I don't think so, I think you are dreaming.

  4. Well it matter how you look at it,if you brag about it then it makes you look like a spoiled person.But its all on you.And to me mabe the average people would call you spoiled,or mabe just your parents like to buy you stuff because it makes them feel good and they got the money.

  5. Nope its not.

    I'm way more spoiled then you haha.

    & no I'm not bragging.


  6. Yes you are spoiled.

    I also attended private schools from Nursery School through Graduate School;I remember quite well that they taught us how to categorize things properly.Your question is not about Royalty,that is the monarchy. If Yahoo posted your question here,sorry;but if you posted the question here,that proves you are spoiled.You are not a royal,even though you are apparently quite blessed otherwise.

    It is very bad form to brag!

  7. Yes,you are,and for all of the reasons that people gave you one month ago,when you asked the same question and gave me the best answer and once more eleven months ago.

    Edit..........In the last year you have gone from thieteen years old to sixteen years old.For you,time really does fly,doesn't it!

    Edit.....This question has nothing to do with the Royalty category.

  8. yeah your spoiled. i work for a living and don't have half of that stuff

  9. I think you are a sad pathetic person for going on here and asking. If you had to ask then you are. Have you no friends to ask? What are you like eleven? Why don't you get off the computer and do your homework or go find some football player who you will end up having to marry because he knocked you up.

  10. You're a little spoiled princess, nothing to be proud of. Get rid of all your stuff and see what's left: nothing but a little lonely girl.

  11. Not only spoiled but,also averse to telling the truth.

  12. you are way spoiled and you should know that because you should really appreciate all the things you have because i don't have like any of that.

    i have had one digital camera of my own (bought it myself), no laptops, no digital camcorders, 3 pairs of hollister jeans, i wear hollister and abercrombie, i bought myself a cell phone when i was 12 and payed for the plan (gone through 2), i bought myself an ipod nano, i get $10 for every A i get on my report card, no allowance, gamecube, redone my room once, a 20in tv in my room that is really old and doesn't have cable, when i get my license i will be driving my parents chrystler town and country or the '91 toyota corolla, no computer of my own.

    thats what i have. so appreciate what you have because a lot of girls your age don't have any of that.

    im 15 btw.

  13. yea u spoiled rotten

  14. This is the third time this sort of question has been posted here, and as noted the age changes. This person is deliberately mis posting her little rant that has nothing to do with the royalty section

  15. I think your extremely spoiled. instead of asking stuff for your self,  do something for others. donate your stuff you don;t want. you would feel realy good! donate moeny to organazations, make a wish is a great one! or american cancer society! once you see how other people live! Not even people that work have the half of what you have, and their grown people!!!  So realy reflect!!!

  16. Sadly, you are what is called a spoiled brat.  If your mom's smart she'd make you pay for your own car insurance and maintanence repairs on the car of your choice.
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