
Am i still considered a vegetarian if i don't eat meat, but i do eat seafood. Is that called a Pescatarian ?

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Am i still considered a vegetarian if i don't eat meat, but i do eat seafood. Is that called a Pescatarian ?




  1. Seafood is meat since flesh is meat.  Vegetarians do not eat seafood.  A pescetarian is not a vegetarian.

    There is also no such thing as being semi vegetarian.  Either you are or you are not.

  2. Yes, you are a Pescatarian, which is a type of omnivore. You are not a vegetarian until you give up all meats, including fish and seafood.

  3. That is a Pescatarian. But they used to be the same thing.

  4. no you are not a vegetarian,i really dont understand the whole vegetarian thing,you are either or your not,no if,s and.s or but,s.

    if you truly believe in something then thats fine,don,t be a trendy type,if you know what i mean....

  5. first of all i eat seafood stil i can eliminate it that pescatarian label to me is a cop out and wrong because just because it lives in the sea doesnt mean its not flesh and alive its still meat and alot of vegetarians dont like to hear someone say that label so i suggest you dont call yourself it

  6. Yes, it's a pescetarian

    BUT that's different than a vegetarian.. it's not a "type" of "vegetarianism" It's a completely different diet altogether.

    so no, you're not a vegetarian, but yes you are a pescetarian.

  7. Yes that is called pescatarian.  Vegetarian means you don't eat any animal at all.

  8. yes, it is called a pescatarian.

  9. A Semi-Vegitarian, Flexitarian or Pescatarian.........

    "Semi-Vegetarians aka Flexitarians:

    Semi-vegetarians limit their intake of either certain types of meat or the amount of meat.

    For example, they might eat no red or white meat (beef, pork, venison, etc), but eat fowl and fish. Or they might only eat meat once or twice a week.

    Someone who only eats fish can also be called a pescatarian."

    Pesce-Vegetarians (sometimes called Pescetarians):

    "In addition to the foods above, pesce-vegetarians eat fish.

    (Most vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians do not, by the way,

    consider those who eat fish "real" vegetarians)"

  10. You would be a pescetarian, but you would not be considered a vegetarian.

    I would suggest to you that you read up on eating fish.  The fish are not just suffocated.  They are often sliced open while they are still alive.  Also it is a proven fact that fish feel pain.  Over fishing of the ocean is a problem, and hurts the environment.  Not only that but fish are full of toxins and all of the pollution that is found in our oceans.

    Farm raised fish have miserable lives, crammed in tiny tanks that are usually filthy.  It is like any other factory farm.

    If none of that bothers you, at least make sure you don't eat fish from China.  Chinese fish should be outlawed in the US.  They have very few regulations when it comes to cleanliness and food handling.

  11. I've also heard it called a pescal-vegetarian.

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