
Am i still entitled to get child support?

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My parents got divorced when i was about 11yrs old. My mother took my dad to court for child support in NY and won. Right after my dad moved to FL and disappeared on us. I recently got in touch with him, is it to late for him to reimburse all the money he owes my mom? I am now 25 yrs old!




  1. YOU can't collect, but your mom can. Back support never goes away, but she would have to pursue it on her own. It's not that hard, she would just need to contact the support bureau to get it started, but if he's a dodger, he may quit his job if his wages start getting garnished. My husband is 32. His dad still owes back support, and every once in a while, they'll find out where he works and start garnishing his wages. They may get 2-3 payments, then he quits again. It's really up to her though, not you.

  2. your not entitled to get anything........ it's your moms money if she gets it

  3. No, YOU aren't entitled to c**p. Your Mom might have been but if she never went after him, chances are she won't get anything.

  4. Only if you are in school it would be fair.  

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