
Am i supose 2 clean my contact lens holder?

by  |  earlier

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i just rinse mine out w/ water but i dont know if i am spose to like wash it, lik in the dishwasher or sumtin. because i just thought to myself what it theres bacteria or somthing in there. so do i clean it?




  1. No dishwasher but well take a qtip now and then and just wash out the container. It always soaks up the solution and the dirt so unless your washing the dirt out of the container your not really getting it clean. Just a good wipe here and there should do it

  2. YES. please do. trust me. i went through it the hard way. i had pink eye two or three times before i realized where it was coming from. yea just was the case out with dont have to use a dishwasher. jst clean it with water and about every 1 to 2 months go out and buy a new contact case. hope that helps!

  3. You should not clean your contact holder cause there is so much bacteria living in there!! You can buy a new one at the store for like 10$.

    BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!

  4. wash it with water n wipe it down

    no chemicals in it cause ur lenses can get sum in it

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