
Am i supposed to clean my guinea pigs ears?

by  |  earlier

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i never have bec. i thought they groomed themselves... help!




  1. No.

  2. Nope, unless there's some sort of infection or wax buildup that needs extra cleaning, there is no need to clean a guinea pig's ears.

  3. cleaning ears is bad for them.besides theres no small pet ear cleaning stuff.

  4. Dont They have really sensitive ears .  They groom thereselves

  5. i actually take my guinea pigs to the vet.. and the do suggest you clean there ears once and a while, if there is any build up or wax..

    when you clean them.. such as a mild bath and brushing, it is always good to check for bulid up/wax.

    if there is, use a cotton ball. (no q-tips!!!)

    and use a SMALL amout water, or a lil peroxide.

    but only do this ONCE in a while.. over cleaning can lead to infection, or over drying of the ears.

    :) hope i helped.

  6. you shouldn't you should only clean the cage because my Friends Guinea pig didn't like people cleaning its ears just let it groom itself

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