
Am i that old fashioned ?? ?

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i have been on my own for 4 years, but i do date. my friend,who is 32, tells me that the boyfriend that she is with should be able to give her money for her bills , her expenses, etc... i cant find it in my head to be with a man so that he can pay my bills.. i am 45.




  1. If you're living together, he should be paying his share of the expenses.  Otherwise I'd say no, he pays for dinner out and that's about it.

  2. Old fashioned or no, later on this guy is gonna feel like you owe him something. Maybe like owning you. How would you feel then?

  3. You are not old fashioned.  I'm 30 and I'm not looking for someone to take care of me.  To me it sounds like your friend is old fashioned in that she wants a man to take care of her or she is a modern gold digger.

  4. i'm with you.  i don't think it's about being old fasioned.  you need authenticity and integrity in your life, and you can't have those things in your life if you are decieving someone (like a man).  I would not accept such money from a man.  I don't want that kind of relationship.  

    i'm 48

  5. No, you're not old fashioned. You're right. What kind of girl would date a man just for the $$$?

    A s**t, that's who.

  6. I agree with the first two people(:

  7. I am 40. Only now because I am waiting for my house to be sold does my boyfriend help me with my bills. He also knows that it is only until my house closes. I do not date my boyfriend for his wallet.

    I would rather be broke than have to do that. I would feel I was prostituting myself.

  8. I'm with you.  Your finances aren't his concern.  Just like his finances aren't yours.

  9. Nah... You are not old-fashioned. Your friend is just a chicken-head.

  10. He sure can, especially if he gets more

    than a kiss from her.

    Some men like giving women money.

    Some look at it as a gift.

  11. You are always better off being independent. What would happen if you relied on a boyfriend's money and then he was gone? And when someone is the money provider, there is always an imbalance of power in the relationship. It makes the person receiving the money feel under the thumb of the person giving it.

    Most married couples have a partnership with responsibilities figured out between them. Many couples these days have both partners working out of financial necessity. But, as long as they are both contributing in some way, that's a real working partnership.

    When someone is just taking and taking and they have no way to give back in some way, that's not good for the relationship. Maybe people looking for someone else to take care of them don't care about that.

  12. Good for you.  Thats kind of being a w***e, I mean if your friend is having s*x with them and getting money, or bills paid etc... Whats the difference other than the number of men in a certain time period.

  13. You aren't old fashioned -- you are independent!

  14. I'd say that's more progressive than old-fashioned... your friend expects her boyfriend to pitch in to pay her own bills??? wtf?

  15. I agree!

    wow. people sure love using others.

    Its a shame. :(

    Keep on thinking the way you do, dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Best wishes & God bless!  

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