
Am i the only Scot who does not adore Sean Connery?

by  |  earlier

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have friends who have met him, their hero, at a function in a hotel in St Andrews donkeys years ago. he does not do it for me, never has...... i could be way off the mark here but I heard or read that his attitude to physical abuse in a relationship was that it was OK for a man to slap a woman around now and again. did not like him before, liked him less after that. why is he punting around the streets of new york in a kilt? with that awful pgymy of a wife trailing beside him?

its rude to use all caps. who makes the rules around here? nutters is the answer to that question.




  1. hes ahaggis munching pr!ck

  2. He's a very avid Scottish Nationalist, shame he doesn't come out of tax exile in America and get back to his roots.

    Basically, he's up his own ar*se!

  3. i don't understand why you are so contemptuous of the wife

    (i don't like him.

    his eyes glint for real)

  4. I don't like him.He's an arrogant bully of a man.

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