
Am i the only one afraid of the ocean? please read.?

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i cant swim past where my feet cant touch or in merky waters. i am afraid of flying to and from hawaii (where i live) because four or five hours of it is over the ocean. gigantic sea monsters scare the ish out of i the only one? i went to the beach with my family one day, and it was getting dark so everyone got out of the water except for this lady who went in and did a chant. my brother and i stayed til we couldnt see her anymore. then lifegaurds went to look for her and she was gone into the ocean. im so friggin scared of it. am i the only one? i am a 21 yr old woman who shouldnt have childish fears.




  1. Shark week much?

    Lol but srsly.  I don't like wide open ~unknown~ spaces either.

  2. Don't fear the water embrace it. (feels weird about saying it)

  3. That is freaky...even for MY standards.Mabye a shark...maybe she swam very far...maybe something to do with her chant...That was freaky... :|

  4. that is because in a nother life you died in the ocean past life regression may help

  5. Ohmygawd, I'm like you except I can swim as far as I can but I'm just afraid of seeing fish under I can't go scuba diving..even the TINIEST fish scare the S**t out of me..i'm 14 by the way. and no it's nawt childish, 21 is pree yung and plus there might be a pshycological explanation for your fear..

  6. When I was younger I had nightmares about the sea.Mostly I would be standing on a bridge looking down at the ocean filled with giant moving shadows.To this day I still don't like driving over the ocean and looking at it.

  7. well I lov e the ocean because it is very calming and beautiful, but I am afraid of its power. I always get thrashed around in the waves, so I don't go in much. But I dont think there are any sea monsters to be afraid of, but I am not judging you. I think that it is never to young/old to have a fear. It just happens.

    and about that lady...freaky.

  8. hmm i'm afraid of the ocean too, but as long as i'm in the shallow i'm ok. i actually love the beach.  i'm more afraid of any water that is deep.  like when i'm in the swimming pool i can't swim to 6 feet in the middle, i have to stay in the edge. idky either? but yeah there must be a reason why ur so afraid of it. something must have happened or something must have triggered it when u were young. mine was almost drowning.

  9. no you arent the only one, people have a whole lot of different fears and beliefs, as long as its not affecting your life its okay. and its not kiddish, it can happen at any age .

  10. im afraid of the ocean too

    i think its the fact that water is the strongest element and is easily capable of killing people (tsunami)

    i get easily scared when the tide comes in

    i wont go in the sea

    i fear of drowning so i wont go scuba diving even though ive been asked to go so many times and although it may be perfectly safe, it still frightens me

    so no your not the only one whos afraid of the ocean

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