
Am i the only one fed up with hearing about princess diane?

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have we not heard enough of this tragic but ultimately understandable accident given her driver had few drinks and was driving like madman?




  1. I know they never stop talking about them

  2. I think the whole thing has now gone beyond a joke. Trying to hide that kind of story with so many people supposed to be involved is ridiculous. If anyone wanted to make loads of cash there would be many an newspaper editor that would pay serious money for the story.Conspiracy theories are best when few people know about what is going on. I know Al Fayed is grief stricken but I think he needs to say where his proof is, that is, if he has any at all.

  3. yes, you are the only one.

  4. No, we need to hear the full truthful story, and evidence is now emerging that was never put to the jury before. This is the last trial, it needs to be fully accomplished.

  5. It beats hearing about the continuing saga of Brittany Spears--but not by much.

  6. I too feel that 10 years is long enough.

    If she had been wearing a seatbelt she probably would have survived.

  7. DO NOT CALL HER PRINCESS DIANA, she was Lady Diana, The Princess of Wales.

    A Princess is called with her first name ONLY when she is Born with the title. Diana wasn't. He correct address was Lady Diana.

    I'm sick to death of hearing about the woman, and what a saint she was.

    Truth is, that she knew what she was getting into, but wanted the fame of the position. The way she behaved was disgusting, and made Charles look like a Plaster Saint.

    I feel sorry for the two boys who lost their mum, but the rest of the world were identifying with a hypocrytical, fame seeking wretch of a woman, who if she'd behaved in the same way 400years ago, would have felt an axe blade in The Tower.

    Let the boys have their mum back, and the rest of us let her rest in peace

  8. nope i am sorry i loved that women and feel  that something in her death was definately amiss.

  9. people love her all over the world, if  you dont like it dont listen to it. simple

  10. They should let the poor woman rest in peace. Nothing will bring her back.

  11. I agree with everything BadWolph has to say

  12. I am too. She was a posing airhead with an entourage of upper class twits - drunken upper class twits, at the end.

    I am no fan of the monarchy or aristocracy but they are a cut above a corrupt, toad-faced Egyptian crook.

  13. Fed up with the media circus that is going on now,yes but,not fed up with hearing about Princess Diana.

  14. I am as well as the poor woman has been dead for years now and we need to let go and let her family move on

  15. i agree, i think we all know it was a tragic accident caused by a drunk driver and no seat belts being worn its time to lay it to rest

  16. I don't think we have ever had a princess Diane. DIANA, maybe.  And I think, at least her name deserves a capital letter, don't you?

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