
Am i the only one gutted england got to the final?

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I have no prob with the english but surely us scots irish and welsh shouldn't have to to suffer hearing them gloat all over the tv and radio for the foreseeable future.




  1. then perhaps you realy should try a little harder...

  2. Well we did, SO THERE!!!   NUR, NUR   NUR, NUR NUR.

    My bet is that you are a Scott? and of COURSE you don't have a problem with the English????

  3. I am Scottish and to be honest I don't really care about what England does or Wales or Ireland for that matter.  I am not hoping that they get beat or that they win.  The way I see it is that I am Scottish so why should I care what a foreign team does or does not do, live and let live is what I say.

  4. Get a life - it's only sport and when all's said and done we are part of the same country.

    Don't be bitter, just hope we can wipe the smile off those arrogant south african faces.

  5. At least you are not sulking like the Oz and New Zealanders!!!!

  6. But if it was Scotland, Ireland and Wales in the final, England wouldnt 'suffer' hearing them 'gloat', they would be happy for them and support them! And I like to think Wales, Ireland and Scotland will be supporting England!

  7. nope u got about 2 billion english haters behind u mate

    south africa for the final and to win it

  8. LMAO! just accept we are the superior race,it will make life more bearable

  9. we wont rub it in.. we knew you were c**p before the first game...anyway that's why you all go along with this British nonsense .ride on our proud backs....come on England

  10. Yeah.

    I was rooting for France all the way through.

    Seeing the grin on my English friend's face nearly put me off my beer.

    But not quite.

  11. you're not alone!! with u all the way..

  12. What have you got against the English? why do the Scots want anyone to win but England?

  13. We've had to read your lot bleating about being losers and

    having to rebuild.We English don't gloat.We simply enjoy it when

    we achieve something.Which the Scots-Irish and Welsh are not

    used to doing.But are used to slagging off.Which no doubt you

    would enjoy doing if England lost the final.But of course they won't.We are winners.We are leaders.Which is why others on

    our island get pi ssed off.Your losersAND WOULD BE LOST WITHOUT US.

  14. oh come on.

    what about your scottish football team they have just won a big game and your papers just like ours will be full of it.I think its just the old green eyed monster creeping again.

    Myself i would of love to have seen scotland in the final playing england,but sadly it was not to be.

    one other thing to note it that england were wrote off before they started so yeah you might get abit off over the reporting but thats to be expected.

  15. It's alright if Ireland, Scotland or Wales won though....If England were out, most English fans will pick another brit team to support if there is one, but the rest of brittian wont supoport England. They the use the 'over play by the media' excuse for there racism. They give about two minutes to it on the news for goodness sake! Stop being so racist.

  16. I don't think the England rugby team have ever gloated, not like the Kiwis and Aussies do.

    Although I am English I also get a bit fed up with references back to 1966.  It didn't happen with 2003 - and our pride was swiftly followed by 4 years of disaster.

    Next week I may allow myself a brief period of gloating but it won't last until the 6 nations starts.

  17. Considering that they weren't considered possible champions and in fact were derided summarily for the first game with South Africa, i think they have every reason to be happy, gloat, well maybe, but i think that's just sour grapes on your part.  I would be happy to see any Northern Hemisphere team go through, they haven't so here we are,  2003. all over again.

  18. The English are not only bad losers there bad winners.

    As the references to 1966 keep rolling in with monotonous regularity.

  19. the irish and the scots were simply embarassing in the whole tournament. the welsh weren't a complete trainwreck, but they were nothing to be proud of.

    thank goodness the english have kept some dignity for the home nations.

  20. Wouldn't you be gloating if you'd got into the final?

    Btw, I do think that gloating's going a bit too far, there have already been a few questions posted asking how everyone thought it went.

  21. Get that chip off your shoulder and get a life, loser

  22. We are proud of our lads just as you would be if yours had got this far. There was no luck involved. We EARNED our place in the final. We didn't get there on reputation. We got there on determination, and grit, and jonny's left boot. And given the chance, any country in the world would have done the exact same thing. Dont be sour, dont be childish, get behind the last Northern hemishpere side left in it

  23. I know what you mean and as an ABs supporter it is heartbreaking to not see black on the feild today however look at it this way at least you dont have to listen to the *choke* joke for the next 4 years lol.... they deserve there gloat after all thats rugby.....

    I feel for you because we dont get to hear it that often, but youve got to admit, they did deserve the win didnt they? lol,....... yep I can see the *roll of the eyes* and the pained look on your face! enough said....

  24. The English just have those personality traits that make it inevitable for them to be the natural enemy of most other nations

  25. No you won't be the only one gutted England got to the final.  I'm pretty sure all the French supporters were too.  However they don't seem to have found it necessary to bag the England team.  Nor do you have to suffer - listen to a different radio or tv station.  This is pretty sad really - if you read these blogs, it seems most England supporters would have happily cheered on the Scottish, Irish or Welsh sides.  Don't be gutted - just be happy that at least a British team made it through!

  26. sweaty sock barstards!!! it wasnt all down to johny this time, d**k mrs d!!!! the forwards and backs have played brilliant for us. youd think you would support us! id support the next team to me. come on England.

  27. Get the chip off your shoulder - surely you did not want the frog-eaters to beat a BRITISH team!

  28. I'm half Irish and well happy for England.

    They scored more points than France so what is your problem? You're a Scot aren't you?

  29. Looking at the quality of their play I don't think they deserve to be in the Final.  The only reason they got this far is thanks to Johnny Wilkonson - an amazing player - it doesn't seem fair that one guy is scoring almost every point for them.  The English team are good sportsmen and gentlemen, but it is the fans and media which make me wish the All Blacks were in their place in the Final.

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