
Am i the only one on this earth that feels like this?

by  |  earlier

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This is mostly for guys i guess but i don't know it could appeal to girls too. I'm sixteen years old and i have had quite a bit of friends. And notice how i said "had" that's because it seems like the only thing my friends want is a girl all the time. Then once they get a girlfriend they leave all their friends behind. I don't know why but this always happens to me. Also they are all so unreliable cant make up their minds on stuff and change their minds on stuff.

Do you relate to this in anyway or is this kind of friend behavior foreign to you?




  1. lol.I'm a little older and it still happens to me.I just find some thing to do.I don't under stand why.But it happens.

  2. I'm more than twice your age and it still happens.  As the single women in my circle of friends found and married a mate, the ones that remained single felt abandoned.

    Now that I'm married, I know that I wasn't intentionally snubbed.  It's just that they each naturally wanted to see what all life has to offer with this new love interest and give it an opportunity to grow and develop.  When that happens, the married (or dating) friend kind of takes his/her single friends for granted--assuming they'll be always be there--and friends should be.

    Once you're all dating and/or married, it's likely you will again all have similar interests and resume your friendships--if you still live in the same community.

  3. Girls have that effect on guys of a certain age (between 14 and 89) Just be there for them when they get their hearts broken and ask if their girlfriend has a friend for you.

  4.      Guys and girls need their own time, with themselves and or with their friends. Family time. You name it. I refer to the FREEDOM that we are given but rarely get to use. If that is what he/she  wants(speaking in general) support them. Include all in activities but allow them to decide on what they want to do; without backlash. If ya'll are friends; ya'll should be more understanding; towards each others feelings.  

  5. Yes girls are the same way.  Hang in there.....

  6. It is usual...nothing strange , you should accept this truth ,  when you find your soulmate you will do the samething ..believe me.


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