
Am i the only one???????

by  |  earlier

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that thinks yahoo answers is ADDICTING!




  1. Some folks may think so, but being addicted to something means that you can't live without it, right? I'm an artist, also have a volunteer job which occupies much of my time, for me spending time on YA is a part of my life which I like, but definitely could live without. In a way this is just another hobby and I regard some users as being members of my extended family.

  2. No! Everyone else thinks so also.  BTW this question has been asked over and over again by many.


  3. Yes, but you can get over it.

    The questions get old if you stay in one section too long and then you need to walk away.

    I lost 'buy and selling' T/C because of that.

    Now, I enjoy another section.

  4. No you are not the only one.

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